Chapter 18: Mystery at Edge

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Beth's POV

“I promise, I'll never..... hit you. Just save my baby.” I hugged my husband and promised him all the random thoughts that came into my mind, that I know I will never follow. I will hit him, remind him all those stuff that happened to me, until I am satisfied enough.

“Elizabeth, remember you killed Andrew.” Mark broke our hug and cupped my cheeks. Wiping my tears, he sealed our lips with his signature kiss.

“Take that tracker out of her body,” Marcus ordered.

“This is for her safety,” Mark argued.

“How she is safe when that whistleblower is hunting for her.” Valerio hissed and left the room when got no answer. He was right in every sense. It is easy to track me down due to tracker.

“Rossi is right. That man knows about tracker and the device. He was able to record her conversation.” Marcus explained. He refused to hear the tape and believed every word I said.

I trust old Schmidt a lot. Doesn't matter if Mark doesn't trust him. My husband has trust issues with everyone.

“They are right,” I said. “That man knows, I have a tracker. He can locate me anytime.”

Without any argument, Mark agreed and by evening, I was tracker free. I could see my husband getting anxious but it was the only solution we could come up with.

Next 2 weeks were hectic. Valerio agreed to go to rehab and Nancy was furious when Eli refused to meet her. She tried to use Eli by playing the baby card. It is hard to define Nancy's personality. Sometimes, she's a victim of situation like every one of us but sometimes, she's cunning. I don't want my daughter near her. And I don't care if she would be Mrs Rossi future. I am the mother of Miss Rossi and my daughter will never be like her.

Eli will be reliable. She will be a Rossi that everybody talks about. For a Rossi family comes first.

Glaring at me, Nancy left but with a warning. According to her, I am the centre of the problem. If I hadn't passed information about Kate to Andrew then everything would have been different. But that all is past, that can't be changed.

“You know, stress is not good during pregnancy.” Hunter tried to say while eating an apple. His presence startled me. When did he entered???

I frowned and watched him moving around the kitchen. He was preparing juice.

“I am to tell you about training... But we need to make sure the baby is safe.” He explained the reason if his presence. Although, I thought he left for his college, but I am happier to see him here. He is different from the boys of his age. He is reliable to me.

Smiling, I took the glass of juice, and we discussed my routine. He made sure that I don't stress over me. He also gave me a diet chart that Sophia sent for me. The same chart that was given to Jennifer. Jennifer was right, Sophia is the grandmother of everybody.

It was one of the bad news that Sophia retired. According to Mark, she is his mother figure. He confessed that Sophia knew Alice, his mother. They both were friends, more like sisters. That's why he searched for Sophia. Hunter was like his son and wishing him good luck, we finally bid him bye to Hunter Maxwell for a better future.

Although, Hunter promised to visit us but something was off about him.

“I am sorry.” I heard Savannah. Keeping the laundry basket aside, I look at her. She looked upset. “Will you please bring Hunter back?” She cried.

I took my careful steps towards her, testing the water. But surprised me by hugging me tightly and sobbed.

“I never wanted to hurt you or him.” She murmured. “I promise I'll be a good girl. I'll do my homework. I will never ask for any gifts. I will even brush my teeth daily...... Please bring him back. I'll be a good girl.”

“You miss him,” I said. But she misunderstood it as a question and nodded as an answer.

Like a kid, she continued to blurb various promises. And surprisingly, she called my mom.

We had dinner together. Mark was surprised to see her behaving like this. He even forced a smile that didn't reach his hazel eyes.

After tucking the kids to bed, I went to the study room where Mark has been spending a lot of time. He was reading the file of every one of his team members including himself and Victor. He sometimes teaches me his ways of assistance.

His ways of assistance including lots of kissing and our various intimate moments. Sometimes, we act like teenagers.

“It is impossible to find that bastard.” Mark hissed and slammed the file on the table. He was on the verge of losing his mind. Growing anxious day by day, he believes that he is failing his family. “They need Savannah but that bastard wants you....” He laughed viciously. “He even warned me not to touch my wife.”

“And will you listen to him?” I asked.

Shaking his head, he dragged his chair to me and pulled me on his for the most breathtaking kiss. His hands caressed my jaw as if they are delicate. Not understanding what to do, I warp my arms around his shoulder. He groaned with my touched.

Cupping my butt cheeks, he pulled me closer and I could feel him getting hard. I know, he is sexually frustrated and desperately wants me. But last time, he hurt me.

I pushed him, ultimately, breaking our hot make out which was supposed to turn into our lovemaking. 

It was hard for him to control but he stopped. This is the best thing, when I say no to sex, he never forces me except one time, when he raped me.

Taking a long cold shower, we slept in each other. He drifts into sleep but I couldn't. I could feel someone around us. As if, it is not our home.

It was Mark who caught my attention. He was sweating. He is dreaming. He is having a nightmare. His tears were flowing freely from his eyes. I shook his body to wake him up.

“I am sorry.” Mark cried. “I never wanted this.”

What he is dreaming about???

Another secret?

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