Chapter 22: A Whistleblower

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Beth's POV

Emptying my stomach for the 3rd time today, I washed my face. My morning sickness is getting worse and the absence of Mark was making me anxious.

My husband promised me he would be here, but instead, he's busy. Kids are not allowed to meet me since they would increase my stress. But I am already stressed with the absence of my family and I became violent.

I want Mark. My kids. My family.

“Please... You need to take this medicine.” Layla, the young nurse pleaded. Her impatience in voice was something strange to be heard in a nurse. There was something wrong with her. Why would a nurse plead to the patient when she could simply order them for the sake of their health?

“Something is not right.” I glared at her. “It's been 2days. I haven't seen my is impossible that my son and daughters are fine without me. My husband will never do that.” I screamed at her.

Hesitating, she tried to control her breath. She's damn scared. I liked her this way, this shows my dominance over her. IF Mark is paying her to take care of me then she should bear my tantrums as well.

“Please, eat this.” She begged.

This was the last stroke.

Now, I am sure something is wrong.

“Are you even a nurse?” I questioned.

“Of course, I am a nurse.” Her voice held confidence and she was offended. This means she is a nurse. Her confidence was contagious. Even I felt confident at her.

“Then what was this medicine for?”

Ignoring my gazes, she walked slowly towards me and looked around as if someone third was present this room.

“This medicine was to make you sleep.” She whispered. “A man brought you here. He arranged the room this way... This is not your home. He is not good.” She was on the verge of cry.

Her tears brought my attention to her appearance. Now, I notice that she looks scared. I know, this emotion in her voice. He hit her.

“He hit you,” I said.

Nodding, she wiped her tears and gave me medicine. I took it but didn't swallow it. She left with relief.

Whole day, I looked for an escape. Last time, I gave up but this time, I will fight harder. I have a family waiting for me. My baby need Mark.

Where are you, Mark?

Now, I realized that everything was real. August is the whistleblower and is obsessed with me but why?

When Vincent has nothing to offer him then why he is working for him?

“I knew, you fooled her.” August leaned on the wall with a smirked pasted at his disgusting face. I hate this man. He must have another secret which directly or indirectly involved me.

Now, I regret my friendship with Kate. She has a family, children. She is complete except Suri. However, the void that her elder created will never be filled. But it is her husband's Karma. Antonio paid for all his crime. He was a womanizer and is responsible for the destruction of many women's life. This is his payment to Karma. He lost his daughter to Karma.

“You will regret this,” I warned August. I will kill this man. I regret providing Andrew, an easy death. That shitty man to torture many people. I should have tortured him the same way.

“There you are so wrong, Ginger…” He laughed as I cracked a joke.


Mark called me once Ginger.

The word 'Ginger' resurfaced a memory. Now, I remember a young 16 years old Mark calling my 5-year-old self, ginger. Because I was afraid of Ginger as a child. I never liked the taste of ginger. That's why Mark called me Ginger, to tease me.

Mark knew me even before I was born. I used to invite him to a tea party with my dolls and Vicky was his favourite. His Sunday visits. His quietness. But everything is blurry now. He left when Abigail was pregnant with Savannah. And ultimately, I forget him.

“Don't call me Ginger.” I hissed.

“Mark was right about it...... You don't like to be called Ginger.”

“What do you want?..... Money. We all know Vincent as nothing to offer. Mark provided you home, job... He even pays you. He is ready to rise your pay. You are one of the oldest member.”

“Again you are wrong. I don't need money.” He walked to me, causing me to step back. When I reached to bed, I managed to escape from his tall structure of body.

He chuckled with amusement and sat as if he owns it. I wonder if he never asked for money, how does he afford this all drama.

“When you were capable of breaking the reality to me why did you play all this drama?”

“I never played anything. I arranged this room because I wanted to make you feel at home. It was you who assumed that everything was a dream.”

“What do you want?”

“You.” He pointed at my stomach. “Without this piglet.”

I slapped him. He called my baby, a piglet. He has been abusing my baby. This man dares to say that in from of me.

“My baby is not a piglet.” I gave him an ultimatum. “Don't even think about hurting my baby.”

“Well, you are lucky. That your haemoglobin is low. Otherwise, I would have killed this parasite the day I read your pregnancy report....” He grabbed my jaw. “You can't even handle my twins.”


He is the father of my twins.

My body stiffened. Usually, I will never forget the touch of those monsters but I never recognized him. How?

Because he always used different languages when he was with you. My conscious answered me.

“I forge the data. Then I had kill Gerard Harrington. The billionaire lawyer who wanted to expose the Schmidt human trafficking circuit to the world. That bastard... I mean Mark wanted the father.” He laughed like a manic. “I killed two birds with one stone. I am not afraid of him but despite his trust issues, he trusted me a lot.”

“He will give you anything you want just let us go.” I pleaded.

“I don't want anything. I want everything.”

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