Chapter 32: Pure -blooded

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Beth's POV

“Where the hell is she?” August screeched. He has been screamed from the past half an hour and Vincent was whispering him something.

When Vincent informed about taking my baby, I thought he must be joking, but he is damn serious. He will take my baby.

They have locked me from unspecified days. I see my baby bump growing and now, I am losing confidence about Mark's arrival.

That day, the maid who informed me about Mark being near is missing. According to the Ella, the old maid said that there was no young maid appointed for me. This is the only piece of news that has collected me a bit of assurance about Mark's arrival.

“You need to eat, girl,” Vincent said.

Without saying anything, I stare at him. I couldn't feel anything. Numb. He does care but only the baby.

“Savannah is coming.” He dropped the bomb.

My heart was about to explode in my chest cavity. I could feel the blood rushing into my veins. It took a while for me to react.

My only reaction was to blink.

“She will leave.” I was assured by the voice.

“Without the baby?” I asked.

“This baby of yours is the real Schmidt heir and I want to carve him into the man he is supposed to be.”

I looked at him with all the hate I could collect. He dares to inform a mother that he is going to make his child a killer. No. This will not be the fate of my baby.

I am little at ease that my other babies are safe and right now, I am concerned about Savannah and my unborn baby. I have to make sure that they both meet their siblings and are safe.

Hesitatingly, I ate and slept. This cycle continued the next day and now, with the passage of every day, my anxiousness is growing. Savannah would soon arrive here.

I was already 14 weeks pregnant when August abduct me. And now, I am waiting for the doctor to reveal the gender of my unborn baby without my husband beside me.

This is what my life is now.

“It is a..... Boy.” Doctor announced with no emotion. I hate to see this type of face. This old doctor managed to serve people for many years, how?

I nodded and tried to control my tears, but I was betrayed by my tear gland. They kept flowing through my eyes and crossed my cheeks to drop on my hand.

It is a boy.

Vincent was right. This is a boy. He will take my boy and will train him to be a killer. Eventually, he will feed my baby many lies and will also avenge all the injustice done to him through my baby.

It was Schmidt family who did this to them then why my kids have to pay?

I know a fact that the name Schmidt will never leave us. It would be better if Mark accepts that he is a Schmidt and try to make things easier by using the name. He doesn't have to involve in the Mafia, at least use the name. I have seen people getting scared with just the name Schmidt.

“Savannah Rogers is here.” Maids whispered with each other. They were trying to make sure that I don't hear them. But I did hear them.

These words brought me mixed emotions. I was relieved that Savannah is safe but also afraid that Vincent will violent her liberty. Her right. Her right to see her baby. Her liberty to chose her baby.

I pretended to sleep and listened to their nuisance for hours. They kept calling August handsome. And according to them, I am a fool for denying him. Little did they know what type of monster he is.

“He will impregnate her as soon as she delivers the boy.” The maid whispered. They were discussing me and August. So, he is planning to make my life a living hell.

“I think he will marry her. He loves her.” I heard another voice.

Their discussion was disgusting. It brought me the feeling of nauseating. I wanted to puke but I managed to handle myself.

It was not a usual night. I was invited by Vincent to have dinner with him and his son.

“Mark blasted Maxwell's factory. They are backing out.” Vincent said.

“But we are here to help him. In every way possible.” August shrugged off.

When I looked at them, I find them staring at me. They were waiting for my reaction and since I am not sure if I'll ever be able to see my family. I gave them nothing.

August looked amused with my poker face and Vincent smirked as if he knew that I am losing hope to see my family.

“Maxwell will not support us,” Vincent said.

“Is he afraid of Mark?” August taunted his father and stabbed at his food.

“Yes, and you should be too.”

“Are you afraid of him?”

“No, I have nothing to lose but you have everything to lose..... Mark plays dirty. He is the elder Schmidt of your generation.”

“What is the cost of Maxwell?”

“His secrets. Even Anderson will take his support as soon as Mark will approach him.”

“Then we have to keep him out of this.”

“Why don't you give him his children back?” I mumbled while rolling my eyes.

“What did you say?” August screamed and his roar hiked my blood pressure.

“She's right,” Vincent said passing me water. “Savannah will go back to him. Don't worry.”

“But the baby?” I asked.

“He will never know there was a boy. We can....” August said.

“He will know... Eventually.” Vincent interrupted. “All we have to do is to stop him as long as we can.”

“You all can live a normal life.” I offered them. “I promise I will never go back to him.”

“And you accept me to believe that?” August mocked me.

I had nothing to say. I sobbed and was forced to finish my meal. Vincent want my baby boy to be healthy and strong.

“Sir.....” 3 men rushed into the dining hall. “That girl killed one of our men.” One of them announced.


“This is pure-blooded Schmidt,” Vincent smirked.

“I'll kill that bastard girl.” August hissed.

“I'll deal with her.” Vincent left the room, leaving me with August who was giving me a lust look.

What will happen to me and Savannah now?


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