Chapter 25

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"Um, we can give you some money for now." Winwin said to the villager but he only got a look of confusion in response.

"Money won't help them if they have no food nor a place where they can get food." Kun whispered into Winwin's ear. "Maybe suggest providing resources like food and shelter until their fields can grow their crops again."

"Yes, um. That." Winwin said, motioning to Kun with pleading eyes. He watched as Kun took a deep breath before proceeding to explain what he had told Winwin to the villager.

Seeming satisfied, the villager nodded his head before giving them a bow. "Thank you, your highness."

"It was no problem." Winwin said, giving the villager a wave as he left. "No problem at all."

Once the doors closed, Winwin could already feel the eyes of Ten and Kun on him. "That was a disaster, wasn't it?"

"Maybe worse than that." Winwin heard Ten mutter before the male earned an elbow in the ribs, yelping in pain.

"You did well." Kun said, resting a hand on Winwin's shoulder. "You just need more experience, then you'll be able to handle these things on your own."

"He needs a lot more than that." Ten mumbled.

"Yah, Li Yongqin!" Kun called out, making Ten raise his hands up defensively.

"No, Ten's right." Winwin said, grabbing onto Kun's arm to prevent him from lashing out at Ten. "I'm not cut out to be the prince nor the ruler of the Jade Kingdom. This isn't my place."

"But you were born into it." Ten pointed out. "Your the heir, the son of the Emperor and Empress. If you're not fit for this than no one is."

"Not really." Winwin muttered. "Kun-ge seems to know what to do a lot more than I do."

"That's because this is what I do." Kun said, crossing his arms. "I'm the general, I make big decisions all the time."

Winwin ran his fingers through his hair. "Even when it comes to decisions, Lihua is much better than I am. I'm not fit for this, I was trained to be a warrior, not the ruler of a kingdom."

"Well Jaehyun struggled a bit at first." Kun said, trying to comfort the male. "He's fine now."

"That's the thing though." Winwin said, putting out his hands to the side. "Jaehyun struggled and he was trained to be a ruler his entire life. A lifetime's worth of training won't be enough for me to get the hang of this."

"Now don't be so negative." Kun told him. "You can do it."

One glance at Ten and Winwin knew that Ten agreeded with him.

"If you're not the ruler, who would take over?" Ten asked, crossing his arms.

"That's the thing." Winwin said, exhaling deeply. "I don't know."

Before Kun or Ten could say anything, there was a knock on the door before it slid open, revealing a servant.

"This better be important." Kun said, clearly not happy with the interruption. "We were having an important talk."

"I have a message from Zhang Lihua for his majesty." The servant said, bowing his head. "She wanted me to give it to him as quickly as possible."

Winwin nodded his head, motioning the servant forward. "That's fine, bring it over."

Winwin could tell that Kun and Ten were judging him for how casual he was with the servant, but Winwin didn't really care. He barely knew how to be a prince so he didn't really care about acting all high and mighty for his people.

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