Chapter 16

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Winwin couldn't sleep that night, and it wasn't because of his throbbing ankle.

Lihua was the first person to address him by his birth name and it was during an argument. Winwin hadn't realized how stupid he was being until the door slammed shut and the ringing of his birth name went through his head.

It felt like hours had passed as he laid there silently, thinking about how he should apologize. He sighed as he gave up, throwing the blanket off him as he swung his feet to the side.

"Ow." Winwin whined as he clutched onto the wall, taking light steps towards the door of the bedroom.

Stop being a wuss, you've had sword wounds worse than this.

Eventually, he made it out to the main room, where Lihua's head turned the second she heard the door open.


This couch is so damn uncomfortable.

Lihua twisted and turned, adjusting the blankets over her but nothing helped. There was no way she was sleeping tonight.

Lihua sighed as she sat up, tucking her knees into her chest.

If you didn't fight with Winwin, you could have shared the bed.

Lihua dismissed the thought as soon as it came.

I highly doubt Winwin would let me sleep with him when there wasn't a storm outside.

At least adult Winwin wouldn't. Child Winwin would always come into her room if he ever heard her crying from a nightmare, holding the tiny girl and reassuring her that there were no monsters in her room until she fell asleep. But that Winwin had died a long time ago.

There's definitely no going back to that either, Lihua thought as she asked herself why she had to call Winwin by his birth name. It was definitely an act out of anger and frustration but Lihua was also certain that it had ruined any chance at fixing their relationship.

That's why Lihua was surprised when she heard the door open and even more surprised when Winwin was the one opening it.

"What are you doing?" Lihua exclaimed as she threw the blanket off herself. "You're going to injure yourself even more."

"I was thirsty." Winwin said, looking at the ground.

"Don't move, let me help you." Lihua said running towards him. She helped the male hobble to the sofa, making sure his ankle was propped up.

Lihua moved to the small kitchen to boil some water, preparing a teapot when she felt eyes on her. She turned around to see Winwin staring at her.

"Am I doing something wrong?" Lihua asked. Winwin shook his head.

Once Lihua was finished, she brought the teapot along with two cups to where Winwin was, sitting beside him. She poured the tea for both of them, waiting for it to cool first

"Lihua." Winwin said. Lihua sat up to glance at the male. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Lihua reassured him. "We fight all the time. If you apologized every time we disagreed on something, then all you'd ever say to me is sorry."

Winwin chuckled at her words. "Why do we even fight so much?"

"Because you like annoying me." Lihua answered right away.

"Well you annoy me too." Winwin replied. "You always shoot me glares and roll your eyes during training. It's like you don't even treat me like your commander."

"That's because we grew up together! Who helped you sleep when you were crying because of thunderstorms!" Lihua responded, her voice raising a bit at the end.

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