Chapter 5

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Winwin did indeed feel guilty for his actions, which is why he decided to head straight towards the one place Lihua had gone to every time she was upset.

Winwin had found her there one night when he went there to train on his own, a frequent occurrence for the young boy.

They were about seven at the time, and Lihua had been scolded by her father for skipping her medical training.

Winwin had sat beside her the entire night as she cried, and eventually Lihua had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

Winwin was barely strong enough to piggy back the girl, but thankfully, he bumped into a palace servant who helped him bring Lihua to her room.

The girl had continued going to the terrace every time she was upset, but the reason why soon changed.

Winwin didn't know why they fought so much. They were such close friends as children, but as they got older, they grew more and more distant, fighting more often than not.

Winwin had become the reason why Lihua went to the terrace, the male following her but not being able to bring himself out of the shadows, simply watching as she cried herself to sleep before carrying her back to her room.

Winwin guessed it was because Lihua's father began teaching him how to fight instead of her. He had also became a warrior first, and then a commander. And it probably didn't help that he was her commander as well.

Well there's nothing I can do about it now, Winwin thought as he arrived at the terrace, surprised to see Jaehyun there sitting with Lihua on the stone bench.

Why is Jaehyun there?

They were talking about something Winwin couldn't hear. But he saw them smiling and laughing, a rare sight for the girl.

Then all of a sudden, the happiness stopped and Winwin watched as Jaehyun leaned in, giving Lihua a kiss.

Winwin couldn't believe his eyes as he felt his stomach drop.

Winwin recalled his earlier conversation with Jaehyun as he walked away from the terrace, hands balled in fists.


"Do you like her?" Jaehyun asked as the two males sat together on the field, taking a break from their training.

Jaehyun had just told him about the date he went on with yet another consort, another airhead that he wasn't fond of one bit.

"Like who?" Winwin asked, using his hand to block out the sun.

"Lihua." Jaehyun clarified.

Winwin began coughing, choking on his own saliva. Jaehyun chuckled, passing him a bottle of water.

"Why would you think that?" Winwin asked, giving Jaehyun a look.

"Just making sure." Jaehyun said, with a small smile on his face, lying back down in the grass as Winwin cleared his throat so he can breathe again.


I don't like her, Winwin thought as he entered his room, right beside Lihua's. The girl had yet to return, probably still with Jaehyun.

Then why do I feel like this?

Winwin shook the thought away, getting ready for bed.

Sleep, sleep is what I need to get my head straight again.

But as he closed his eyes that night, the image of Lihua and Jaehyun's kiss was engraved into his mind.


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