Chapter 20

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Winwin was no joke when it came to teaching and Lihua felt it as she lifted her hands, the water doing a beautiful dance for her before sinking back into the lake.

"How do you do it?" Lihua asked, turning around to face the male who wore a satisfied grin on his face. "How did you teach me so fast?"

"Willpower." Winwin said, pushing himself off the tree he was leaning on and walking towards her. "Your willpower made it so much easier for you to learn it."

Lihua smiled as Winwin held her face, pressing a soft kiss against her lips. "You know, it was an experiment at first."

"What was?" Lihua asked, tilting her head to stare at the male.

"The reason behind your father never teaching you." Winwin said, offering his arm. Lihua took it and the two began making their way back to the village.

"Your father knew that you wanted to be a warrior and wanted to train as one as well. Your willpower had always been so strong so when he discovered that you were hiding in the shadows during our lessons, he wanted to see how much you could learn from that."

"But I learned everything from that." Lihua pointed out. "I couldn't have became a warrior without it."

Winwin nodded his head, agreeing with her words. "Yes, but not everyone would be able to do the same thing. You were able to because you put your mind to it and was determined on achieving your goal."

Winwin stopped in his tracks, making Lihua stop as well to see what he was up to but all he was doing was staring at her.

"You know, that's one of the reasons why I fell in love with you, Zhang Lihua."


Lihua was filled with happiness as she giggled, lying beside Winwin.

I don't think I could ever get enough of this man, Lihua thought as she kissed his nose, making a smile spread on his face.

Lihua had to admit, Winwin was scary and intimidating when he was focused and fighting, even making her nervous. But outside of that, his wide grin made him seem like a fluff ball, especially when his cheerful laughs rang through the night as he tickled her lightly.

Their moment was cut short as a knock sounded on the door.

Winwin removed himself from the girl to get the door, and Lihua turned to see Hendery there.

"You have a guest."


Winwin honestly wasn't expecting to see Yuta sitting at the table when he came down with Lihua. "What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too." Yuta said, passing Winwin a scroll. "I come bearing a message."

Winwin glanced over at Lihua before settling down across from his best friend.

As Winwin opened the scroll, keeping its contents away from the others of the room, he saw that it was blank, which was a signal among commanders.

Let's talk privately after this.

"Thank you." Winwin said, rolling the scroll back up. "Are you in a rush to leave?"

"I have a bit of time." Yuta answered, his lips pressed together. Winwin could sense that something had gone wrong at the palace. There would be no other reason why Yuta would come all the way here otherwise, bringing an empty scroll.

"Very well then." Winwin said, glancing towards Hendery who was standing there. "Do you think you can arrange a room for my guest?"

"Of course." Hendery responded, bowing his head slightly. "Follow me."

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