Chapter 10

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As hard as Lihua tried, she couldn't hate Chohee. The girl was much too pleasant for her to do that.

The second the servants opened the door to the carriage and Winwin offered his arm to the girl, Lihua knew that Chohee was meant to be there.

The girl radiated beauty with her snow white skin, plump pink lips and round eyes. Her red and gold robes was also enough to prove that she was on a different level than Lihua.

As Winwin and Lihua showed the girl the different parts of the palace, Chohee smiled and nodded her head, amazed of it all. Her voice was also soft and dainty, sounding like the voice of an angel.

Chohee wasn't stubborn though, she was far from that. She would ask the two of them interesting questions, proving that she did have a brain, unlike the other consorts. Lihua could tell Winwin was just as impressed as she was, simply from the way he responded to her questions.

Jaehyun would love her, Lihua couldn't help but think. Chohee was the perfect girl to be the next empress and the perfect girl to be Jaehyun's wife.

"Lihua?" Winwin asked. Lihua blinked, realizing that they had finished their tour.

"Yes?" Lihua responded, noticed that the two of them were staring at her.

"I asked if there was anything that I missed." Winwin told her. "I'll take that as a no, though."

Lihua shook her head. "No, there isn't. We should get going to the arena though."

"We should." Winwin agreed, leading them back to the carriage.

Lihua and Winwin's horses were waiting there as well, being tended by the servants. After helping Chohee into the carriage, they got onto their horses and soon, they were on the way to the arena.

"What do you think?" Lihua asked the male as they rode.

"Of what?" Winwin asked. Lihua motioned her head to the carriage. "She's nice."

"That's it?" Lihua asked, expecting more.

"Well, what do you want me to say?" Winwin replied, his tone showing his irritation. "That you would make a better match for Jaehyun? Because honestly, you wouldn't."

"What's your problem?" Lihua said, glaring at the male. "Whatever was between Jaehyun and I is over, you can stop bringing it up."

"I know." Lihua heard Winwin mumbled. Did I hear that right?

"What?" Lihua said, full of surprise. Had he see what happened in the terrace last night?

"Isn't it obvious?" Winwin pointed out. "How could you still be with him when his fiancé is here?"

He has a point, Lihua thought, adjusting herself on the horse.

"Whatever." Lihua muttered. "I just want this whole day to be over already."


Once they arrived, Winwin brought Chohee straight to where Jaehyun and his parents were, the family happy to see the girl.

Winwin noticed Jaehyun's eyes linger on Lihua for a moment but the girl was looking away, purposely ignoring the prince.

It was obvious that there were still lingering feelings between the two, as much as they tried to hide it. Jaehyun was smiling as him and his parents spoke to Chohee, but Winwin could see the sadness in his eyes.

Lihua also seemed quite uncomfortable as well, so once the time was right, Winwin excused himself, asking Lihua to join him. Surprisingly, the girl followed without a single complaint, the two warriors heading towards the seats of the stadium.

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