Chapter 15

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Lihua tried not to smile as she settled herself beside him. "I thought you got over your fear of thunderstorms when you became a warrior."

"I just held it in." Winwin mumbled. "Doesn't help that we're outside right now."

Lihua grabbed Winwin's hand, massaging it between hers. "Why did you stop coming to my room?"

Winwin turned to stare at his hand that was carefully being caressed by Lihua's fingers, the girl hoping that the movement would help calm his beating heart.

"The first time I didn't go was because we got into a fight. That was because I was becoming a warrior."
Winwin told her.

Lihua remembered that night as well, and agreed that it wouldn't have been a wise choice for Winwin to visit her then. "What about the other times?"

"Well after I did it once, I thought I could do it again. So I did and that's how I stopped. It was probably a good thing too, less of a burden on you."

Lihua stopped her actions, staring at the male eyeing the ground. "Winwin, it was never a burden. I was just comforting a friend for the night."

"Well that's not what you would say in the morning when you complained about the bed being too small for two people." Winwin retorted back.

"That's because it wasn't and if you haven't noticed, you're pretty damn tall. You take up double the amount of space on the bed." Lihua argued.

"We only took up half the bed anyways, since you clung onto me so tightly in your sleep! Plus, I don't think you minded when Jaehyun slept over!"


Winwin's words had opened up the unhealed would and Lihua looked away as she blinked back the tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Lihua removed herself from Winwin's side, getting up but Winwin grabbed tightly onto her wrist, realizing his mistake.

"Lihua, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Winwin said softly in hopes of getting her forgiveness.

"It doesn't change the fact that it hurts." Lihua told him. "Now let go."

"No." Winwin said firmly, gently tugging on her arm. Lihua tried to get out of his grip but Winwin only tightened his and she could already feel the red marks forming.

"Why?" Lihua asked. "What do you want from me?"

"I want you to stay." Winwin confessed. "Stay by my side tonight."

Lihua shook her head. "You don't need me to, you've been alone so many nights where the storm was raging outside. You'll be fine without me."

"I know I don't need you." Winwin said bluntly. "And I did survive on my own. But every time I couldn't help but think about how much easier it would have been if I got out of my own head and stepped through that stupid door that separated our rooms."

With one more tug, Lihua was pulled to Winwin's side, sitting beside him on the sleeping bag.

"So, Zhang Lihua." Winwin said, staring intensely into the eyes of the girl beside him. "Please stay here tonight.

Lihua gulped from the look Winwin was giving her, feeling her heart rate increase and blood rush to her cheeks as she slowly nodded. "Okay."

And like that, the two stared at the fire, Winwin occasionally flinching when thunder sounded, until they had both fallen asleep.


Lihua woke up to Winwin's face inches away from hers, his arms tightly wrapped around her waist while hers were around his neck. She couldn't but stare at his angelic features.

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