Chapter 14

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Winwin was brought back to his childhood as Lihua broke down the second Jaehyun was out of sight, the tears falling down her face uncontrollably.

"Stop it." Winwin said, unable to bear the sight of the girl crying.

"I can't just stop, you idiot. You know that." Lihua spat as she continued to quietly sob.

Winwin sighed as he stepped in, closing the door behind him. "You're such a child, you know that right?"

"I literally just lost the love of my life and you're calling me a child. Thanks for being supportive." Lihua replied. "He literally told me how much he loved me and I just shattered his heart when I actually love him too.

Winwin pulled the girl over to her bed, taking a seat before wrapping his arms around her as she cried into his shoulder.

"First of all, you're delusional if you think Jeong Jaehyun is the one and only love of your life. Do you not remember when he ate a rock because you told him it was candy? He lost his first tooth because of that." Winwin told her.

"Second of all, it wouldn't have worked anyways. It's much better for you to move on and find someone that you can actually be with than being hung up on someone like him."

"He probably hates me." Lihua muttered into his shoulder.

"He probably does. For a few days and then he'll get over it, he always does." Winwin said, softly massaging the girl's head.

He felt Lihua calm down a bit, her cries soften as she rested her head on his chest as he sat against the wall, the two of them on top of her bed.

"I'm so tired." Lihua mumbled into Winwin's body.

Winwin softly fingered the hair sticking to Lihua's face from her tears so they were away from her line of sight. "Then sleep."

"Are you going to stay?" Lihua asked him. Winwin sighed.

"I'll stay until you fall asleep."

Lihua nodded her head, closing her eyes.

"Goodnight then."

"Go sleep already."

Winwin watched as a smile appeared on Lihua's face as she closed her eyes, putting herself into a comfortable position as she lied on the male.


Lihua woke up to Winwin shaking her the male already dressed in his travel wear.

"Time to go?" Lihua mumbled out as she stretched her arms above her head.

"Yeah, get ready quickly. There's a lot of people that want to say goodbye." Winwin said, giving her a small smile before exiting her room.

Lihua sighed as she separated herself from her bed, getting ready for the long journey ahead of her.


Winwin was right, the chain of goodbyes was long, and Lihua was surprised when some people she had never seen cry a day in her life began tearing up.

Obviously, the tears were all for Winwin as Yuta refused to let his best friend go. The same happened with Taeil and then Renjun.

Lihua did get quite a few hugs as well, but she felt that those were out of respect for the girl.

Lihua did notice that a male was missing from the usual group.


Perhaps he's too busy spending time with his fiancée.

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