Chapter 9

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The slap sounded through the air, and it was obviously that it would leave a mark.

Winwin already knew what was going to happen as he stood in the corner of the terrace, watching as Lihua cried while yelling at Jaehyun about his betrayal while the prince tried to convince her that he had no idea.

But he did.

The second Lihua's father mentioned it, Winwin knew that it was the reason why Jaehyun wanted to speak that morning.

The sound of Lihua yelling brought Winwin out of his thoughts as he looked up to see a red mark on Jaehyun's face while the male stared at the girl in front of him.

"Lihua, I can explain." Jaehyun said but Lihua wasn't having it.

"Explain what, Jeong Jaehyun? The fact that you led me on, thinking that we had a chance together while you were actually being married off to some girl that I have to show around tomorrow?" Lihua screeched back.

"I didn't know." Jaehyun said softly but Lihua shook her head.

"Well you definitely knew before my father did, and considering the fact that he requested the dinner earlier today, it's been a while." Lihua pointed out.

"Lihua, please, I can explain." Jaehyun begged but Lihua shook her head, giving the male a shove.

"Leave. Leave me alone or I will force you away." Lihua threatened.

"Please just-"

Lihua lifted her hand and Jaehyun froze in his spot.


"Leave. Now."

Lihua put her hand down and Winwin watched as Jaehyun walked away, leaving the girl alone on the stone bench, hugging her knees to her chest.

Winwin desperately wanted to go over and comfort the girl but he knew she would only push him away.

So Winwin sat down on the steps in the shadows, waiting for Lihua to fall asleep after no more tears were left for her to cry before carrying the girl back to her room like he always did.


Lihua was convinced that she was either a sleepwalker, had terrible memory, or a servant would constantly bring her back to her room ever since she was a child. She was leaning towards the later option.

Lihua groaned as she stretch her arms above her head, rolling around in her bed.

Lihua groaned as she stretch her arms above her head, rolling around in her bed

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Lihua loved how simple her room was, not much being inside. Her room was beside Winwin's, her father's across the hall from the two.

As Lihua stared at the thin walls and sliding door that connected her room to Winwin's she couldn't help but recall the times when they were close, back when they were little children.

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