21- Whatever Gave You That Idea?

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"Annie you would look stunning in this!" I tell her as I pull a blue dress out. It's a flowy maxi dress  that would suit her to a T due to her amazing figure and the fact she is 5'9, I wish I was that tall instead I'm stuck being 5'3. Annie said we should go shopping while the boys go to the pub, I didn't fancy day drinking and Annie said she is to hungover to even think about drinking alcohol. Although for someone who is hungover she still looks amazing, how does she do that? Whenever I am hungover I look like the human embodiment of death, not that I have been hungover much, I mean I hadn't ever really gotten properly drunk till Freddie's party. 

"Oh I love that! I don't know what Freddie was talking about you have amazing fashion taste," This warms my heart because no one has ever said something like that to me, their always moaning about how poorly I pick out my clothes, I think Freddie asked me if I shopped blind folded the other week. 

"Of course he would say that," I let out a small laugh because I can genuinely imagine Freddie saying it, he wouldn't mean it horribly- I know he would just be teasing and I mean I can't blame him- my fashion taste isn't the best. 

"You know it's so kind of you to do what you have for Freddie, you and your mum are truly amazing people," Annie tells me squeezing my shoulder. 

"Well I know I haven't known him for as long as some best friends have but he really is one of my best and closest friends, I love him," I tell her while looking at a pair of heels, maybe it's time I invest in another pair, the ones I have are a little bit too big I have realised. These are elegant, not too high but still high enough to bump me up to at least 5'8. They are black with a stiletto heel and a thin strap at the bottom and on the ankle but other than that there is nothing else to support, I should probably pick a comfier pair but these are so pretty I'm just going to buy them. 

"Yeah I know what you mean, I feel like we have grown close in such a short amount of time. But I was wondering if you could do me a huge favour," Annie is such a kind person that the odds are whatever she asks of me I will probably agree to. 

"Yeah go ahead." 

"Would you mind sorting things out with Georgia, I know she can be difficult but I promise she can be sweet if you give her the chance too. But she is really stubborn you may have to make the first move. I know I'm asking a lot from you but I would be truly thankful if you could do this for me," She looks worried at me. Well I didn't expect her to ask me that. "It's just Emily I have known Georgia for years and we are close, and you are such a good friend to me I just want you all to be happy. I know she doesn't deserve it, she was so rude to you and about you and I am truly sorry for that but can you just think about it?" She asks me. 

"Yeah Annie of course I'll think about it," And I will honestly think about it, although I will probably come to the conclusion that I will just to make Annie feel happy and not awkward about spending time with her friends. But I'm not the challenge, Freddie and Jack are- and I definitely will not be the one to push them into it, but I will ask them. If I don't chicken out that is. 

"Oh Em you have to buy them they will look really so good on you," Annie tells me looking down at the shoes in my hand, I look for my size and I am in luck, sometimes it's hard to find adult shoes in my size, but it has it's perks because I get trainers for half price.  


When we got home we decided to cook dinner, because the boys offered to cook for us but Annie said Harry helps in the kitchen but under her supervision because on his own he can just about make a sandwich, although I haven't ever seen Jacks cooking abilities for some reason I feel like he would be a good cook. Freddie can't cook. At all. But to save his feeling I have on the few occasion he has cooked chew really fast and try to avoid it from touching my tongue. Although I'm not the best at cooking so I'm not really one to talk. 

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