30- My Calm In The Storm

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"Gorgeous as always," Freddie compliments me as I walk into the living room, of course he thinks I look nice, he chose the black plunge neck lace top, it has spaghetti straps, which are basically covered by my freshly curled hair. Freddie even chose the blue jeans I am wearing, the only thing he let me have any say on was what shoes I wore and by that I mean he practically begged me not to wear my converse, finally giving up after twenty minutes.

Freddie has a brand new black short sleeve silk shirt with a star pattern all over it, with he first few buttons undone to revel his chest, and he has matched this with another new pair of straight leg black trousers that come to his ankle, with a pair of white socks and black shiny brogues. Freddie always looks well put together without even trying, anyone would guess he had a personal stylist.

"Thank you, I am loving the new clothes!"

"Yeah the store had a new shipment in, I raided it before I put them on the shelves," Freddie smiles, of course he did. No nerves are on Freddie like I thought they would be, the boy he met at the store is coming to the party tonight, if that was me I would feel sick to my stomach. I am currently sick to my stomach and this will be the fourth time I am meeting Luke, I am partly nervous about Luke and then partly because how Jack seems to react every time I see him or he is brought up. Freddie asked if Luke was still coming yesterday and Jack acted like I invited the devil to come. I mean after the whole Georgia thing on Tuesday he has been acting weird, not his usual brooding, it's different and I can't place my finger on it.

"Okay, well let's go and get drunk!" Freddie exclaimed.

Freddie knocks on Jack's door and he opens it sporting a plain white shirt and black jeans, and face like thunder, wow okay so the party hasn't perked Jack up, he is still in a foul mood. Before he has the chance to leave his house Freddie pulls the door shut, what is he doing? When the door opens again Jack looks even more pissed off than before.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Jack demands, stepping out of the house and slamming the door behind him.

"I was hoping you might be in a better mood the second time, clearly not," Freddie answers.

"Whatever, the cab will be here in a minute," Jack answers standing on the curb, well I thought he was driving but clearly he is planning on drinking, maybe it will chill him out a bit, "Aren't you getting a lift with Luke?" Jack questions, still staring down the road.

"No, it makes more sense for me to come with you guys and he will meet me there." I just don't get what his problem is, whenever I have or Freddie has asked him what's wrong he just shuts it down, I think it must be something with his dad. And then there is Annie, she is finally starting to feel better, I spoke to her yesterday and she told me that Georgia didn't try to make contact and blocked her on everything but promises that it's for the best.

Freddie gives me a look that just screams 'WHAT THE HELL' as the taxi pulls up on the road next to us. The whole journey is filled with an awkward tense silence, with Freddie pulling funny faces in front of me. When we get there the party has well and truly started, there is more people here than I thought there was going to be, I guess both Annie and Harry need to let of some steam, I mean I would too after the last few week they both have had.

The first face I recognise is Annie, she is pouring herself a drink which she quickly puts down on the table when she sees me. A huge smile on her face, warmth spreads through me- she looked so sad and broken the last time I saw her, to see her back to her old self makes me so happy. I fling my arms around her shoulders and pull her in really tight.

"You look stunning Annie!" I tell her and I mean it, the tight white crop top she has on shows off her amazingly toned stomach matched with her low waisted jean skirt, her beautiful dark naturally curly hair lose and hanging over her shoulders, she just looks so good and the best of all the smile she has on and her eyes look happy, better than she has been.

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