3- Acting Like I've Moved To Timbuktu

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Me and my mum are currently watching re-runs of Only Fools and Horses. Well I say me and mum, its just me, my mum is currently fast asleep on the sofa. She's tired from all the stress that she has been having with work recently and sorting out the arrangements for my great nans funeral. The funeral was a week ago so I'm guessing its work that's stressing her out, for most of our lives we have struggled with money. Don't get me wrong I've never gone without, she would never let that happen, but now with her being left her grandmothers house it will be a chance for her to pay off some debts and so she doesn't have to worry as much as she does about money.

The house we live in was left to us by my grandparents, I've lived here with them due to them dying when I was still really young I don't remember much about them, my mum talks about them all the time so I feel like I almost know them. But it has pretty much just been me and my Mum, but she has been the best mum I could ask for like a Mum and a Dad rolled into one. Not that I know what having a dad would be like but my mum just made it so I never felt like I needed one and made sure that I had everything the kids my age had with two parents.

I get up from where I'm sitting and grab the remote from the wooden coffee table and turn of the TV, I place it back down and walk over to my mum who I gently shake awake. She doesn't open her eyes just lets out a noise to let me know that she is now awake. "Mum it's 10 o'clock, and I'm heading up to bed." her response is the same thing she said when I first woke her, I grab the blanket that is placed over the sofa next to her and throw it over my mum, I walk into the kitchen and get two glasses out of the cupboard and fill them with water. I place one on the side table next to my mum, and make my way up to my room.

I grab my phone and my book off of my bedside table and walk out to my balcony, sitting down on the chair that I have out there. I look up at the stars and just admire the sight of them. Seeing stars in London is very rare, it is famously known as the "Big Smoke" due to all the pollution in the air. This is why you never usually see the stars, so to catch a rare moment like this is something that should be admired.

I look at my old and battered version of The Great Gatsby ready to start re reading it for the hundredth time. When I was younger and I first read this book I admired the way I thought Gatsby loved Daisy, I mean all the money he acquired for her, the extravagant parties, the effort of finally meeting her again. They were the idea of romance because I had never witnessed it. It was a few years ago when I realised that Gatsby was never in love with Daisy, he was in love with the idea of her. I had a sinister view of love for a bit of time after that, but I believe in love now- aspire to be in loved as Darcy loved Elizabeth.

My train of thought is suddenly interrupted by my phone vibrating in my lap, I look down to see a text from an unknown number. Strange I never get text from anyone except Sam and my Mum and occasionally my boss but never at this time.

UNKNOWN: Hey Darlin :) it's Jack btw x.

I don't know how the hell he got my number, it's been a few days since I last saw him, I've seen him walking home from somewhere but he hasn't been in college, at least not in my lessons.

EMILY: How exactly did you get my number?

JACK: Well I went back to that cafe and asked your mate Sam for it, I hope that was alright thing to do x.

That girl will be the death of me.

JACK: Sorry I know it's late you were probably sleeping x.

EMILY: No actually I'm sitting on my balcony x.

JACK: Oh really:)x.

With that next doors balcony doors open and the smiling Jack appears, wearing his leather jacket, his jeans, a white button up shirt and a pair of Chelsea boots. I suddenly felt self conscious of my appearance, I had no make up on, and am in a pair of grey track suit bottoms and that old hoodie.

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