1- Hello Neighbour

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London, famous for many things, Big Ben, The London Eye, Buckingham Palace. But it is also famous for having notoriously bad weather for the majority of the year. So I sadly find myself sitting on an old wooden bench at a bus stop, with a grey sky that is mostly covered in clouds. I pull my thick black jacket tighter around me as a gust of cold air hits me, I am suddenly regretting not putting a longer sleeve top on. I pull my phone out in an attempt to pass the time before my bus arrives, my cold fingers slightly pink and stiff from the sharp and crisp weather.

"Excuse me, do you know what stop I need to get off at for Lambeth Sixth Form College?" I look up from my phone to see the most handsome boy I think I've ever laid eyes on, his chocolate brown hair is natural on top of his head, with the wind slightly blowing through it, his eyes are bright crystal blue with a sort of twinkle in that makes them mesmerising. He has black jeans on that match his black leather jacket, his white t-shirt stands out the most being the only bright thing he had on and also the fact that you can see the tattoos peaking through the shirt. He has a side smile as he looks at me, he sits himself down next to me, my heart already picking up in pace- I've never seen someone this beautiful in my life.

"Oh erm yeah, if you get off at the crescent road stop, which is erm before the college it's a bit of a longer walk, so the one after is quicker," I reply sounding like a mumbling robot, partly due to being completely mesmerised by the boy standing in front of me. 

"What stop do you get off then?" he asks me, I'm confused for a second before I see that he gestures towards my Lambeth Sixth Form College lanyard. Obviously he's new because I've never seen him around here before, I would remember him, I would defiantly remember that face. 

"Erm the stop before but only because I go into the cafe," the more I look into his eyes, it's weird it's like they are kind eyes, do you what I mean? Like you can sometimes tell something about a person by their eyes, my mum has always said that they eyes are the window to the soul and if this is the case then this stranger must have one of the purest souls from what I can sea from his blue eyes.

"Oh I could do with a cup of tea, you don't mind if I join you do you?" Woah okay, I'll let this happen, take the kindness while I can before we go to college and he finds out that I am a social reject that has no friend due to no-one liking her. But something about him is different, he's not like any of the other people at the college, people who have things to say about my personality or the way I look, but I don't wear anything out of the normal other than a hoodie and a pair of jeans, nothing to attract unnecessary attention that I do not need. But like I said give him time and he may prove me wrong and be exactly like the others.

"Erm yeah I don't mind," the side smile slowly creeps up his face and then he tops it off with a wink. "I'm Jack by the way, and you are?" I was about to reply when the bus comes round the corner. It is packed- London rush hour, another famous thing that is annoying as hell about London, nothing better than many people all stuck close together in a small space. Jack and I walk past the hoards of people and up the stairs and he manages to find two seats at the back, he sits down on and motions for me to join him. He turns to me and looks me in the eye with that side smile of his, "you never answered me before, what's your name?"

"Oh yeah, I'm Emily." I look down and my shoes because the intense eye contact is making the buttiflies in my stomach feel like a herd of elephants trampling from the bottom all the up my throat. "A beautiful name that matches the owners beautiful face." My face slowly turning a deep shade of scarlet. I swallow back the nerves and decide to just ignore that comment, I'm not used to people complementing me like that so I'm not that good at taking them.

I turn around and face him, "I've never seen you around here before, did you just move here or something?" I study him as he goes to talk, his smile drops but only for a split second before he has it back up again. "Yeah I am actually, I'm from the East End. But my mum and dad got divorced and sold the house so we had to move south." his eyes never once drop from mine.

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