10- Oh My Poor Little Drama Queen

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I wake up to a tapping sound coming from my balcony window. I get up feeling dazed, my English paper is underneath me and I'm still sitting at my desk, the clock reads 1:20am. What the hell is going on? I turn my aching neck to look at the door and a nervous looking Jack is standing there still in the clothes he was wearing earlier. I slowly get up from my seat  and unlock the door, stepping out onto the balcony wrapping my arms around myself to try and hide from the cold early morning air. 

"Hey, is everything okay?" My voice slightly gravely from sleep.  

"Hey, sorry I know it's late but I just needed to talk to you," The smell of nicotine is strong, overflowing my senses, he must have been out here smoking before he knocked. 

"Sure go ahead," I smile at him, trying to ease the atmosphere surrounding us.

"I well, I just wanted to say I'm sorry again. I shouldn't of come over, it's- it's late." He turns to leave, I quickly grab his arm to stop him.

"No Jack it's fine, stay. It's sweet that you decided to come check on me," I move to go lean against the wall. "But you really don't have to apologise, she clearly isn't my biggest fan and I'm over it. Don't let it come between your friendship with her." He walks over and leans on the wall next to me, I can feel the heat radiating of him. 

"It's not as simple as that Em, in a short amount of time you have become a really good friend of mine and I care about you. With everything at college, that I still can't believe you won't let me do something about, you shouldn't have to endure the same treatment with us because we're your mates, so I won't put up with her doing this to you." I'm stunned with his words, I don't know what I've done to have someone like this in my life, I honestly don't know.

"Jack..." He starts shaking his head.

"No Em, please for once in your life stop being such a nice person and be selfish. Because I'm done with Georgia. If it makes you feel better, me and Freddie met up with Harry and apparently she went to Annie's straight after while he was there and Annie hit the roof," He let's out a chuckle not breaking eye contact with me, "can you imagine that? She's such a calm and collected person, in all the time I've known her she has never once shouted."

"Jack I feel bad. I've started all this drama, like it's all my fault, I've ruined a friendship!" He moves closer to me and holds my face with his hand making me stop before I start full on rambling.

"Em, listen to me you have nothing to feel guilty about, none of the blame is on you, she brought it on herself- she was a ticking time bomb, if it wasn't you it would be someone else Annie or Harry or Freddie or me became friends with. She can't go around treating people the way she does, and I for one am done ignoring it." He tells me, I feel slightly breathless. No Emily don't do this, don't feel this way. Go away butterflies not now. He is never going to think of me that way. Do not buy that one way ticket to heartbreak Emily Turner. 

"Jack, thank you," I don't know what to say but he's looking at me with those eyes of his and then he starts to slowly lean in, I ignore everything my head has been telling me about Jack and I slowly start to lean in towards him too.

"MY OLD MANS A DUSTMAN, HE WEARS A DUSTMAN'S HAT, HE WEARS COR BLIMEY TROUSERS AND HE LIVES IN A COUNCIL FLAT!" I jump away from him at the sound, I turn around to look over the balcony to see a group of people walking across the bottom of the street, I place my hand over my heart feeling it racing.

Oh my, what was I thinking leaning into Jack! Now I think about it was he even leaning into me? Probably not, it was probably my stupid mind hallucinating, I can't even ask him because not only is that awkward but that will be embarrassing when he laughs and looks at me like I am an absolute nutter. 

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