14- Devil Reincarnated

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I'm sitting eating lunch with Jack in the canteen, but he isn't acting like his usual self, he seems stressed out about what I don't know. I would normally ask but something is telling me that he is not in the mood to talk about it, so we are keeping conversation light.

"I got a job," Jack tells me while playing with his food.

"That sounds good! What job is it?" I ask, maybe this will lighten his mood, I hope so anyway.

"Working in a garage, helping out with cars and booking people in. Just needed some extra money to help my mum out." I get that, I give my mum money, much to her refusal- it took me ages to get her to agree. She completely drew the line when Freddie tried to give her money for staying with us, she told him she would just give it back to him if he left it for her.

"That sounds good, is it the one near us?" Jack just nods at my question; okay Emily rack your brains what can you talk about to boost his mood? The bell sounds saving me from having to try and make conversation with Jack who doesn't seem like he wants to have much conversation.

"I'll meet you outside your classroom yeah?" Jack looks at me with softer eyes as we make our way out of the canteen and towards our separate lessons.

"I can just meet you by the car, saves you walking over to the other side of the school." I tell him.

"Honestly I don't mind walking over to you," Jack looks back at me as we are coming up to splitting ways.

"I know you don't mind but I will meet you at the car," He squeezes my hand but still looks like there is something in his eyes that is annoying him. I walk into my politics lesson and make my way to the front seat. We are all discussed in a debate about something or other that I can't get my brain to focus, I'm too worried about Jack. I know I shouldn't over think or panic about it, but I am an over thinker and I do panic, plus Jack doesn't have a track record with coping with his feelings well and by that, I mean he tends to channel all his rage into the next person to piss him off.

Not saying that he will fly off the handle at anyone, but it's a strong eighty percent chance that this could happen if someone pisses him of so here's hoping that no one does that. He has PE now so hopefully he will blow off all his steam in that lesson, I know it's a practical. Oh my God Emily stop thinking like this he's fine and will be fine now concentrate on your lesson. I try to listen and get as much notes as possible otherwise that would be another thing to start panicking about.

The bell rings and I already have my bag packed and ready to go and get to Jack, I decided to just ask him because I guess a problem shared is a problem halved. Jack is already leaned up against the car when I arrive, and he still looks stressed and annoyed about whatever it is that is troubling him.

"Jack are you alright?" Okay tread carefully you don't want to piss him off.

"I guess. Emily are you alright?" Jack says looking behind him before pulling out of his parking space.

"Oh me, yeah yeah I'm good. I guess I was just asking if you were alright because you just don't, well, you don't seem like yourself." I keep my eyes fixed in front of me worried that I may have pissed him off, but I just hear a sigh from the side of my I look at his hands and seem him grip the wheel a little tighter, his knuckles turn white till he releases.

"My dad sent me text last night, first time he's bothered to text me since he left my mum," Jack scoffs.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

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