36- Not One For Speeches

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"Are we there yet?" I ask for the second time earning a chuckle from Harry and a giggle from Annie. We are on the way to my 'birthday surprise'. Freddie isn't the car I know that for sure otherwise he would be next to me right now, I have no clue what they have done and they have me sat in the back with a piece of black silk fabric carefully tied round my eyes, placed in such a way to not ruin my hair or makeup. Annie told me this as she tied it around me before guiding me down my stairs. I managed to get a sneaking glimpse at the dress in the mirror before Annie stole my vision. The dress is similar to something I would chose, and as soon as I saw it I knew it was something that Freddie had chosen for me. It was a black bodycon dress with long sleeves and it cut off at my thigh, but it had a triangle cut out just under the chest, I loved it but that means we were going somewhere that required a dress and from that it must mean we are not spending the evening evening pigging out in front of the TV.

Suddenly the car comes to a halt and the engine is turned off, and then my door is open as someone leans across me to unbutton my seat belt, I know immediately that it's Annie from the smell of her perfume greeting me as the door opens. She helps me carefully out of the car as she guides me through the freezing weather and into somewhere that is warm and I hear behind me a door close, wherever we are is deathly quietly because I can hear all three of our footsteps. When we finally come to a halt, I hear Harry walk further into the room while Annie stands at my side her hand placed on the back of the blindfold.

When she finally unties it allowing it to drop noiselessly to the floor a chorus of "SURPRISE!" floods the room as I take in the scene in front of me. We are in Jesse's kitchen diner but it looks different, full of decorations and pictures of me and my family and friends there is a huge cake in the centre of a table that is pushed out of the way. I scan the room my Mum is standing with Jesse next to the island, Harry is sitting on the arm of a chair that my Nan is sitting, and my Grandad standing behind the chair all of them with huge grins on their faces. Freddie is sitting on the sofa and sitting next to him is the one person that made my heart skip multiple beats. I could feel my smile grow wider when my eyes land and stay permanently fixed on Jack who surprisingly doesn't look tired or drunk like he has been every time I managed to sneak a glance at him. No he look's like my Jack with his grin on his face, wearing his leather jacket and his black jeans, I can't help myself when he quickly stands up and I practically bolt into his arms. Home.

"I've missed you," I whisper into his chest as I feel his arms tighten around me, engulfing me into him, the smell of him even more intoxicating due to the lack of seeing him.

"I know I'm sorry," Jack mumbles into my hair, making the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

"I didn't think I would see you today," I tell him.

"I wouldn't miss you birthday!" Jack tells me in a low tone.

"Jack didn't your mother ever teach you to share!" Freddie says tutting at Jack as he squeezes himself between us, Jack finally realising me allowing Freddie to take his place. I greet everyone else in the room with a bright red face no doubt after what just happened with Jack, it still feels surreal that he is sitting here so much like himself. When I get to Annie I can't help but smile at her because I know she arranged this whole thing, my Mum and Freddie couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery so it had to be all down to her.

"Thank you for this Annie!" I tell her.

"Of course, I told you that you'd love it," Annie squeals pulling me over to the chair where my Nan had gotten up to allow me to sit down. "We are going to do gifts because we're all too exited and just want to give them to you!"

"Me first!" Freddie squeals walking in front of me handing me a bright pink envelope, my name scrawled across in his child like handwriting, my name dotted with a smiley face. I care fully open it, a card saying Happy 18th Birthday To My Best friend! Two concert tickets for The Kooks fall onto my lap, I thank him, giving him a hug. Harry leans over handing me a silver box that looks like it had been expertly wrapped.

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