42- Emily, I Think You Broke It

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"So your Mum took it okay?" Jack mumbles into my hair, his warm breath sending shivers down me as I nuzzle my head more into his neck. My hand is resting on his bare chest tracing the patterns of the tattoos that decorate his skin, my fingertip flowing gently with the black ink. I'm feeling a bit more confident in myself wearing a pair of pyjamas that Freddie had left on my bed, a navy short silk cami top and matching shorts with a piece of paper placed on top with 'for when you balcony hopwhich I must say caused me to giggle. Jack is only in a pair of football shorts and it's a good thing he can't see my face because I can only imagine I look like a kid in a candy store.

When I told my Mum about it earlier with Jesse's piercing eyes staring at me the whole time, ready to jump in and talk to my mum about it, well talk my Mum into taking his side. That's one of the best things about Elizabeth Turner, she knows her mind and she always will. So she was shocked to start with, asked about he who shall not be named in front of Jack, but when I explained that what I feel for Jack is not the same thing. Then of course my Dad couldn't keep it to himself any longer, clearly banking on my Mum being pissed off and banning me from ever seeing him again. He effectively told her that Jack is a huge fuck boy, he didn't say those exact words nor did he divulge into any gory details or use any sexual language, but he well and truly got his point across to my Mum. She then simply explained to him that from what she knows of Jack she found him to be a nice enough boy who has been very good for me so she will not judge him by past discretions that happened before she had even heard of him. Plus she said out of anyone in the world she trusts me more than anything so will trust my choice.

I explain all this to Jack and he just hums at different points into my hair, nodding his head along. I feel his smile start to spread on his face as he kisses the top of my head, I kept the part where she asked me what we was to myself, because to be frank I don't know and I'm to scared to ask him. It's too soon to call him my boyfriend right? "So your Mum is fine, your grandmother and grandfather are fine, Freddie and Annie are both fine, it's just Jesse and Harry that have a problem?"

"Pretty much, did you speak to Harry today?" I hope he didn't, Harry just needs some time to calm down and then he'll be fine.

"No he wouldn't take my phone calls," His thumb strokes up and down the outside on my thigh evoking all kinds of feeling in my stomach, "but he's the one who's sulking like a child so we'll just have to wait for him to get over himself. He's acting like he was the Virgin Mary before he got with Annie, which he fucking wasn't." He scoffs.

"Why is everyone talking about my uncles sex life today?" I grumble, but Jack just lets out a deep chuckle in response mumbling an amused sorry, he continues to stroke my leg when fast footsteps sound coming up the stairs. Shit.

"Jack are you decent?" She asks from the other side of the door after knocking a few times, I panic a bit and stare around the room on where to hide, I can't get out of the bed without her realising and clocking. I don't have a problem with Joanne knowing, I just don't want her finding out by me laying all cuddled with her son in bed. Jack seems to understand and motions for me to lay flat under the covers. I quickly get under and Jack ruffles the covers to hide me a bit better, I lay as flat as I can against the bed just hoping and praying for the best.

"Yeah come in Mum," Jack cooly replies and I hear the door open and Joanne enter.

"Oh sorry I didn't know you were in bed, I just wanted to give you a letter that came for you earlier." I feel the covers move slightly forward as Jack leans forward to grab the letter.

"Thank you Mum, night." Jack tells her, and I know he is hinting for her to leave.

"Jack for God's sake I thought we left the whole me catching random girls in your bed behind us, I thought we moved here and then you turned over a new leaf, clearly not. And don't play dumb with me boy I can see her hair peaking out of the covers! You may as well come out darling." Joanne sounds fed up and slightly pissed off as I slowly reveal my scarlet covered face from under the covers, looking and feeling like I just got caught cheating on a test. Her face quickly changed from pissed too shocked as she looks at me and recognition sinks in. I look over to Jack who is just looking between the two of us cautiously trying to gage how his Mum and I are going to react. "Emily!" She exclaims in surprise, before repeating "Emily!" But this time looking even more annoyed about the fact that it is me laying in the bed, though I can't be entirely sure why she would feel that way, but it mainly seems aimed at Jack.

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