9- Don't Look Her In The Eye

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Tuesday's used to be the worst day at college because not only did I have to sit through my lessons on my own and lunch like every other day, but as some kind of sick joke you have to take part in a mandatory PE lesson. Lot's of people enjoy this part of the week, I'm sure I would if I was: 

A) Athletic in any possible way.

B) Not clumsy.

C) Had anybody who wanted me to work with them or be in their group.

This was of course before Jack got put into our class. Now PE is rather fun because we spend most of the lesson messing around, much to our teachers dismay. That's where I'm headed now, Jack will already be there because he actually chose to take sport, because you know who wouldn't want to sign up to extra physical education.

When I walk into the changing room theres already a bunch of girls getting changed all chatting, I go to the other side of the room and get out my gym leggings, t-shirt and trainers, I start getting dressed placing all my clothes out neatly folded up in front of me. The door opens and Clara walks in, my heart starts racing as she would have heard what happened on Sunday and I'm just waiting for her to make a snide remark about it. But much to my surprise she looks at me and then carries on talking to her friends. I speed up getting changed and place my clothes into the locker. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I walk past Clara and her friends.

While rejoicing silently in the fact I thought I was in the clear I'm sadly mistaken when I hear one of her friends say, "Is she the one that is with the fit new boy?" she says sound surprised as I feel eyes burning into the back of my head. Just keep walking Emily. Ignore.

"I think they're just friends. If they are together then I am seriously curious how she managed to pull that one off. I mean have you seen her?" And with that they all burst out laughing. I mean it could have been worse, they didn't say anything I didn't already know- but some part of me is still hurt by this. I push this part out of me and continue walking down out of the changing rooms. When I leave I see Jack leaning up against the wall wearing his football shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt so his tattoo's are on full display.

"Hey Em, how's your day been?" He pushes him self of the wall once I reach him and we both walk to the hall where our teacher is leaning back on his chair while sitting on his phone. As long as you don't annoy him he tends to not care that much what you do. He looks like he's in his late thirties/ early forties and clearly is not a massive fan of his job. I bet he was at one point but not anymore, Jack told me he only teaches mandatory lessons not any of the lessons with students who actually chose to do the subject. He doesn't even look up from his phone when we walk into the gym, closely followed by a few others.

Jack sits down on the floor and pulls me down to follow. "So Friday sounds like it's going to be good. Freddie told me that Georgia's not coming though, why's that?" Freddie didn't tell me why she wasn't coming, not that he sounded in the slightest bit upset about it.

"First I've heard about it. Maybe that's why she called me after you left mine on Sunday- I keep forgetting to call her back, remind me to text her after this please." More people start to come into the hall and our teacher finally decided to look up from whatever he was looking at on his phone, he's pretty laid back for a teacher, just best not to annoy him.

"Yeah I'll try and remember."

"Listen everyone get into pairs and grab a ball, just kick it between yourself's, make a goal if you get bored." And then he goes back to his phone. I grab a ball from the bag and place it onto the floor and kick it to Jack. He has to move quick in a different direction because my attempting to aim the ball to him didn't quite go to plan.

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