37- Goodbye Emily

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When I walk back into the kitchen as I guessed Jack is outside smoking, Freddie now sitting with him, both their back's to the house. Annie is whizzing around sorting things, reattaching decorations, putting stuff away in a locked cupboard. Harry is just finishing up plugging all the speakers in at the other side of the room and I figured that now will probably be the best time to just go and ask him about all this trust fund nonsense. 

"Harry can I ask you something?" I ask sitting down on the chair directly to where he is leaning under the table.

"One sec," he tells me before he finally connects the last speaker and turns his body around to my direction, he's still leaning down but now he's facing me, "What did you want to know?" Harry asks getting up now and sitting in the chair next to me.

"Well my Dad gave me a check for a stupid amount of money and when he refused to take it back I told him I simply wouldn't cash it and he just replied with that he will just place the money into my trust. He told me that I have two of them, one from him and one from Diane and Albert, so I guess what I'm asking is what the hell is that all about?" Harry nods in understanding as he crosses one trainer cladded foot with another.

"All I know is that you have the same trust that I have, you see by the time my Mum and Dad had built the company up to what it is Jesse was already an adult, went to uni and came back and worked with them but now obviously that company is worth a significant amount more," I know the company they own is a lot of money, I mean you can tell from the penthouse apartment in central London that they live in, the different property scattered around the place and the fancy cars they drive that the company must be doing extremely well. "So they decided set up trusts, it's not enough to last you a life time, well I guess it could depending on your spending habits, but either way it's a shit tone of money. It was originally eighteen when I could have access to mine but then a son of their friends lost most of his gambling at a casino in Monaco. So they moved it up to twenty one. I wasn't bothered by that, if anything I was relieved by it, more time until I have a ridiculous amount of money in my bank account," Harry shakes his head and I have another feeling of guilt in my stomach, if it truly is enough to live off of for the rest of you life then how much is in that bloody account, and that is just the one form my Nan and Grandad. I feel slightly sick at the thought of it as I look round the room, Annie had disappeared somewhere and the other two were still outside. "And then of course you have the one that Jesse had set up for you, I don't know much about that though," Harry informs me, looking sympathetic at the ghostly look on my face.

"How much is in the account?" I almost whisper in an attempt to keep my nervous voice calm, I feel like I just need to rip it off like a bandaid, get it all over and done with in one fell swoop.

"Well like I said I don't know about Jesse's but in the other account there is," Harry hesitates, looking at my face before he rubs the back of his neck, "five million pounds," I feel physically sick. You're telling me that the last eighteen years my Mum has worked her arse off working multiple jobs just to keep food on the table and all the while I was destined to inherit five million pounds. I swear if I wasn't already sitting down I would have fallen over out of shock. I mean I know that I'm not over exaggerating this, that is a lot of money that could do a lot of good in the world.

"You have to be joking right?" But I can tell from the way he is looking at me that there was no punchline, the was a bottom line. I was going to inherit more money than most people can dream of just for being born, surely there is something morally wrong about that? I mean I know my Nan and Grandad have lot of money, they earned it, my Dad works high up in the company so he deserves it too and Harry is working for the company. But me, I was just born and suddenly I am given so much money that could change a persons life completely, could change so many lives.

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