The Hazards of Baking

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Marinette was baking earlier this morning before heading out for school. While she was on her way an akuma blocked her. She was about to get attacked by him but CatNoir came just in time and took her to a safe area.

"Hi there Purrincess!"

"Hey Kitty, thanks for saving me back there"

"No purroblem! I-"

He was interrupted by screams nearby.

"That's your que to leave Chat"

"Later Purrincess!"

"Later Kitty!"

She  immediately  transformed into Ladybug and went in search for Chat.

"Look out Kitty!"

"Thanks M'lady" He responded. Thanks to her he was saved from bumping into a full speed car coming his way.

"Any idea were the akuma is Kitty?"

"Its most probably in his ring  Bugaboo" He said with a wink!

She rolled her eyes at the nickname. 

"Ok, so here's the plan, I will distract him, you try and grab the ring and then destroy it"

"Great plan but I guess you will require so luck Milady cause this akuma seems to be determined on his goal"

The victim was furious that a man was purposely killing ants and thus was akumatized into Antman. He was presently creating a havoc and was lecturing about animal feelings.

"Hmm, lucky charm! A water gun?"

"Looks like we are in a watery situation"

"Ugh!" She grinned as she figured out how to use her luck." Hey Antman wanna take a shower?" She then sprayed water directly at him. As ants hate water, he was no better. The akuma growled and fixed his attention on Ladybug. 

CatNoir took this chance and used Cataclysm on his ring. Soon a purple akuma flied out which was then purified by Ladybug. 

"Well that was quick"

" Yup, we make a purrity good team M'lady!"

"We sure do! Anyways, I should leave now I have to be somewhere. Bye CatNoir!" Having said that Ladybug turned and left.

When she turned to leave Chat noticed something in his partner's hair. It looked like some white powdery substance. He soon realized that it was flour. He was about to point out but before he could she was gone.

Chat sighed sadly already missing his lady's company. He transformed back to Adrien in a nearby lane and headed back to school.

He was late and was running as fast as he could. He wasn't looking up and thus bumped into something or rather someone in his way.

It was Marinette. She was also late and was sprinting to get to class.

As she was on the floor he noticed that she also had something in her hair. He soon realized the irony. There was flour in her hair. 

Suddenly everything made a lot more sense. Her disappearance's during an akuma attack and her sassy side towards Chloe and Chat.

Marinette was his lady, his bugaboo!

He gave his hand to her help her up which she gladly accepted. 

"T-thank You A-Adrien" He noticed Mari's check's going pink. He started to check her out and was admiring her beauty.

Marinette noticed him staring and blushed harder. Gaining a little confidence she decided to confront him.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No but there's some flour on your hair Mari or should I say Ladybug!"

"L-ladybug! What? Where?"

"Right here, in front of me, holding my hand"

She then realized that they were still holding hands. She gently pulled her hand back not noticing the frown on his face.

"How did you figure it out?"

"Well you had flour on your hair and so did lady-"

"Ugh there are serious hazards of baking I- wait, how do you know that? I never went near any civilian during the akuma!" Mari asked with a cute confused look.

"Yeah true but I was always by your side"

"How? I didn't see you, I would have definitely noticed if my crush was nearby?" She immediately realized what she spoke and cursed herself for that. 

"Crush? Ohh I see you have a crush on me Purrincess?" He said with the usual CatNoir smirk.

"What nooooooo I don't ha- wait!"

"What happened?" He asked never letting his smirk go.

"What did you just call me ADRIEN?"


"Oh My God! You are-"

"Yes I am Bug-a-boo!"

"Ughh! Was that really necessary?"

"Of course M'lady, it was the purrfect timing for that paw-mazing pun!"


" I know you love me and my puns"

"In your dreams kitty cat!"

"Well didn't you just admit your crush on a certain someone?" He asked with a sly smile on his cute face.

"So what?"

"I dare you to kiss your crush M'lady"

"Ohh really?"


"Ok here you go!" She gave a quick peck on his lips and sprinted into the school.

"Hey not fair!" He pouted.

"Cat-ch me if you can Adrien"

"Did you just make a pun Purrincess?"


"Maybe I love you Marinette" He said while running behind her.

"Well maybe there's a chance that I love you back Kitty!"



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