The Date

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It was Saturday. CN as usual went to visit his Purrincess! When he reached there he could here Mari talking to someone. He decided to check who she was talking with so he secretively looked inside and silently gasped. What he saw was unbelievable! He saw a KWAMI a freaking KWAMI! He was still near the window and was overhearing there conversation. Suddenly he heard a sentence which made his heart stop. He was so shocked that he stumbled over and fell directly into Marinette's room, more specifically her lap. 

"Tikki I think I am falling in love with CatNoir now....but I don't want to! I want to-" She was interrupted by a loud crash.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!" Luckily Mari's parents weren't home otherwise they would have approached her immediately.

"Purrincess its just me stop yelling, I have sensitive ears!"

"Stupid Chat! What were you thinking! You can't just dive into someones room, I was scared to death!"

He got up from her lap and started to explain.

"I am so sorry to scare you my beautiful Purrincess, I didn't mean to. I just heard your confession and I was so shocked that I tripped and directly fell onto your lap. I think I might be falling for you too Bugaboo!"

"What confession?" She did not hear the rest of his explanation as she was having millions of thoughts going through her head. She blushed deep red.

"If I am not wrong Milady, you said that you were falling for this charming and handsome kitty of yours!" He said motioning to himself.

"I-I was just- wait wait wait did you just call me your lady?"

"Yes! Any problem with that Purrincess?"

"Of course there is a problem you silly Cat, I am not your lady so why call me that?"



"You are officially yet to become my lady but that will happen within no time!"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You tell me my Bugaboo"

"I-I *sighed* you know that I am LB don't you?" He nodded his head.

"And you also know that I am starting to fall in love with you?"

"Yes I also know that but I have a question Milady"


"You also said that you didn't want to fall in love with me....any specific reason?"

"Well ummm yeah, I wanted to be loyal to my feeling for my crush but that  unfortunately or fortunately didn't happen"

"Do you know why I started to visit you Mari?"

"Nope" She said pulling the p longer.

"The reason is that I was falling for you Purrincess! I was in love with LB but at the same time I had stated to develop feelings for you"

"What you mean is that you like me as both LB and Marinette?"

"Yes exactly! If you don't mind me asking, who is the boy who stole your heart even before I got the chance?"

"Well he is very kind and sweet. He is also very cute and handsome! You probably know his cause he is kinda famous. Its Adrien-"

"Agrest?" She nodded.

"You  were rejecting me for Adrien Agrest! Unbelievable, I was jealous of myself all the time"

"What do you mean by yourself? You aren't Adrien are you?"

"claws in"

"So it is you! I can't believe I kissed the boy I love!"

"Wait, we have kissed before?"

"Ugh I didn't mean to say that loud but anyways, yes we have kissed before and you probably don't remember it as you were under some kind of spell"

"Ohh! Can I by any chance refresh my memory?" He asked with a silly grin of his face.

"I think you can" He was shocked for a moment but immediately recovered and pulled the love of his life for a kiss.

After they pulled away, both of them were blushing and panting. They sat in a comfortable silence until Mari decided to ask something.

"What does this make us Adrien?"

"We could umm date?" He said so quietly that she could barely hear him.

"Are you asking me out?"She asked smirking.

"I don't know, are you agreeing?" Adrien asks coming closer to her.

"Hmm" She pretends to be thinking hard. She leans more towards Adrien and says "I could be persuaded"

"I guess I know how to convince you"

He says leaning in even more. Their lips were almost touching. Mari's breath hitched, she gave a quick glance to his lips but before she could do anything he leans back, grabs her hand and pulls her down the stairs. She followed him with a disappointed look but that changed into a frown as soon as she saw his smirking face. Of course Adrien had did that on purpose! She pulled back her hand from his grasp she marched pass him flicking his face with her pigtails.

"Hey! What was that for?" He asks pouting.

She just ignored him and kept walking ahead.

"Meowch! Silent treatment from M'lady? What did I ever do to deserve this cruel treatment!" He gasps dramatically while falling against a wall.

"You are such a drama queen!" Rolling her eyes she grabs his hand. "Let's get Ice-cream Kitty"

" If it is ice-cream what my purrincess wants, its ice-cream she shall get" He exclaims proudly.

Marinette was walking towards the nearest ice-cream shop when suddenly she was scooped up in bridal style by Adrien, who was presently running down the street with her in his arms.

" Adrien! Put me down!" She yelled between giggles.

"Never! I am supposed to protect my Purrincess and bring her to her ice-cream!" He shouted back increasing his speed. This causes Mari to hold on to him tighter for safety reasons, which he obviously  didn't mind.

Once they reached the shop, Adrien puts her down and opens the door for her to enter. Being a perfect gentlemen to woo his lady, with his charms!

"Thank you so much, my knight in shinning armor or rather leather" Mari said as she walked into the shop.

They order their ice-creams and then choose a table to sit.

"So, have I convinced my purrincess to give this kitty a chance?"


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