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Adrien and Nino were talking with Alya and Mari outside the school, as the bell was yet to ring.

Adrien: Hey Nino! Hey Girls!

Nino: Hey dude and dudettes !

Alya: Hey Nino and Adrien!

Mari: Hi Nino! Hi Aa-adrien what's-down I mean wha-

Chloe:  Hey Adrikins! Miss me? I know you did and I did too. *she saying while giving his a kiss on the cheek*

Mari: *groans*

Adrien: What do you want Chloe?

Chloe: I want to be the first thing that you see after you wake up!

Adrien: The first thing which I see in the morning after I wake up is the sun, so would you like to be my sun Chloe?

Chloe: Of course Adrikins!

Adrien: Great! Now the first thing that you should do is stay 150.35 million km away from me!

Everyone around except Chloe and Sabrina:  pfff Hahahahahah!

Alya: Did you not hear him Chloe? He told you to stay away from him! hahaha

Chloe: As it is I am not interested in staying near you filthy peasants.

Adrien:  Just leave Chloe

Chloe: Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!

Nino: Great job dude!

Mari: Now that was hilarious!

Alya: It sure was *winks at Adrien*

Nino: Nice start for a day

Everyone: Hahahahahahaha!

So Did you like the story? I am sure you did and I did too!

It was a funny one shot.

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