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It had been 2 weeks since Mari and Chat were dating. The first one week went smoothly. They used to hang out a lot and were cheesy & romantic but things changed in the 2nd week.

 CN had decided to tell LB about her relationship with Mari at the end of the 1st week of their relationship . Mari had also decided the same thing.

They were going to tell each other during  the Patrol tonight.

Ladybug and CatNoir  met each other at their regular spot. LB told CN that she needed to talk to him after they finish their Patrol. He readily agreed.

~Time Skip Till After Patrol~

Ladybug: So Chat , I wanted to tell you something.

CatNoir: Me too Ladybug * he had decided not to call her  Milady or Bugaboo anymore since he was with Mari now*

Ladybug: Hmm....* she noticed that he wasn't calling her names which he usually did but she shrugged it off* So Chat I wanted to tell you that  I have a boyfriend. 

CatNoir: *He stared her with wide eyes. He didn't now why but he immediately felt jealous. Did he still had feelings for LB ? But he has Marinette  now , then there's no reason to be jealous , he scolded himself internally. But the scolding didn't help and he felt  dejected*  Well  Milady uhh I mean Ladybug that's a coincidence cause I also got myself a  boyfriend * shit ! He internally facepalmed; LB was shocked to hear what he just said* Umm I meant girlfriend  

Ladybug: Yeah , I was a bit surprised to hear what you first said. * she chuckled*

CatNoir: So is it the same guy which you had told me about once ??? * he asked in a low voice*

Ladybug: No, it is not him. Its somebody  else. (he was pointing toward the guy for whom she had been rejecting chat)

CatNoir: Ohh I see. * he sighed*

Ladybug: Well, I think that it was time for me to leave; see yaa later kitty.

CatNoir:  See  yaa 😔

Ladybug could feel that he was jealous but little did he know that he was being jealous of himself. She soon reached home and detransmformed. She wasn't mad that  Chat still had  feelings foe her alter ego after all she was going through the same situation. She was still not over Adrien.

The next day at school, Alya, Nino Adrien and Mari were playing truth or dare during lunch. It was then revealed that Adrien had been dating someone. Mari became sad even though she had CatNoir. She was definitely  jealous of the girl he was dating and  despised her in her mind.

Now, Chat wasn't giving Mari much attention and was mostly avoiding her. Even she was aware of that. Their relationship had become quite fragile now. 

~At Patrol~

Their moods were pretty bad. They had to choose in between the  people  they loved equally. Obviously they were confused and frustrated.

Ladybug and CatNoir were unknowingly staring at each other for a long while until a 'click'  sound broke there silence. Both the teens turned their heads towards the  direction of the sound  . They noticed a girl their age ; having wooden brown hair and  black spectacles looking the duo. 

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