Card For A Beautiful Purrincess

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LB and CN had an accidental reveal and were dating since that day. It was Marinette's birthday tomorrow and Adrien had decided to give her an paw-some birthday card.

Adrien was thinking for hours about what he should write.....When he finally understood what would be the best for his lady. So he wrote the following lines for her.

Dear Bugaboo,

Purrincess  You Are Purrfect!

And I Cat Believe I Am Your Boyfriend!

You Always Pick Me Up When I am Feline Down!

It Feels  Paw-mazing When You Are With Meow!

I Ain't  Kitten When I Say That You Are The Best!

Purr-Haps You'd Like To Cuddle Later?

Me Without You Would Be A Cat-Astrophe! 

We Go Together Like Toast And AvoCATo!

Never Fur-Get How Paw-Some You Are!

Thanks From The Bottom Of My Nine Lives! 

Happy Birthday My Purrincess!

I Will Love You Fur-Ever!

From Your Dearest Kitty!

"Finally done! Plagg what do you think about the card I just wrote? Aren't I Claw-ver! " Plagg came near Adrien and read what he had written.

"Heyy that's not fair kid,  you didn't even mention my precious camembert in it! It's pawful! "

So what do you guys think about the lines that I have written above? 

I hope you like it as  they were Paw-sibility the best I could have come up with. 

Also can anyone guess Marinette's reaction after she read the card?

Do comment your views and vote!

Au Revoir ~

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