YES, I DO !?

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After LB and CN defeated Volpina,

LB & CN: Pound It !

CN: Milady can I ask you something ?

LB: Sure kitty.

CN:  Do you know Adrien Agrest in your civilian life ?

LB: Yes, I do but why are you asking ?

CN:  * he ignored her question * And by any chance have a crush on him !?

LB: * she started to panic* Ummm NO !! Not at all I don't like him at all... what made you think that, not that I don't like him. Sure, who wouldn't like him? He's kind , caring , helpful , sweet , selfless and not to mention he's cute and handsome. But that doesn't mean that I um have a crush on him huh .....hehe yaa.

CN:   *Is surprised by her reaction but he knew war sure that his Lady liked his civilian form* So Bugaboo, *smirked*  after all this time I finally found the boy who has your heart.

LB: Who's he !?

CN:  Adrien Agrest !!!!!!

LB:  I never said that I had a crush on him.

CN:  But didn't you say that you like  him. * pouted * So what does that mean ?

LB:  That means nothing you stupid Chat!*blushes*

CN:  *Smirked again* That means that you have a crush on him Milady, also you are blushing....

LB:  No I am not blushing and no I don't like him in that way *huffed*

CN:  Yes you do!

LB:  No I don't!



CN:  YES!!!!!!

LB: NO!!!!!!!



CN:  NO you don't

LB: YES I do !? Huh, noo what I mean is um ughh * blushes*

CN:   So, you finally admit huh Bugaboo !?  *chuckles and playfully punches her shoulder *

LB: FINE!! I do have a crush on Adrien Agrest, happy now ?

CN:  VERY !!!!

LB: Anyways, how did you figure it out ?

CN: Well, Milady you seemed pretty stressed  and worried when Volpina was going to throw the fake Adrien down the Eiffel Tower. You also were ready  to give up your miraculous in order to save him. I was able to tell that you were concerned for him.  *after a small pause*  Also, don't forget that I am going to tease you about the new found information.

LB: * groans and leaves without saying anything *

CN:  *Smiles like crazy and leaves*

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