The Grand Ball

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We walked out of the room, holding hands. Every thing was perfect until I heard a shrill unpleasant sound.

I could easily recognize the sound without even looking at the person.

--------------------[ No more Marinette's POV ]-------------------------

Chloe: "Adrikinns!"

Adrien: Hey Chloe and can you please not call me that.

Chloe gasped seeing him holding hand with her rival. Completely ignoring what he said she started to yell.

Chloe: Adrikinns what on earth are you holding hands with Maritrash! She is ugly and po-

Adrien: My names Adrien Chloe and her names Marinette! Considering that you are my friend you should talk respectfully with my girlfriend.

As soon as the last word left Adrien's mouth gasps and squeals were heard.

Chloe: Don't tell me you are dating HER! She isn't even beautiful like me.

Adrien: Chloe Marinette is the most beautiful girl in Paris! Unlike you she's kind to others and respects everyone around.

Chloe: That is not true!

Adrien: For me it is and now would you please excuse us.

Marinette smirked at Chloe while received a glare in return, but she didn't care cause Adrien was with her. He was her Boyfriend.

They both went into the car and headed towards the Agrest Mansion. They sat in a comfortable silence throughout the ride.

The Agrest Mansion~

Nathalie: Welcome Mrs. Dupain-Cheng

Mari: Thank you Nathalie!

Adrien: Dad I am home and I have brought Marinette with me!

Gabriel: Well, Good Evening Mrs. Dupain-Cheng!

Mari: Good Evening Mr. Agrest, and please call me Marinette!

Gabriel: Same goes for you, you may call me Gabriel Marinette.

Mari: Sure *she said and gave a warm smile*

Gabriel: Nathalie please arrange the dinner at the table for all of us. Marinette and Adrien you may join in five.

After having said that he left towards his office. Adrien led Marinette to his room. They freshened up and went towards the dinning.

After Dinner~

Gabriel: You have a great choice son. I like Marinette! She is a great designer and has a lot of talent. Brains with beauty I see.

Mari: *blushes*

Adrien: Great! So that means I can take Mari to the ball, right Father?

Gabriel: Of-course!

It was quite late so Adrien decided to drop Mari home.

Adrien: Let me drop you home Mari, its not safe for you to go alone.

Mari: Ok Adrien! Thanks for having me here Gabriel, I had a amazing time.

Gabriel: Good to know that. Meet you at the Ball Marinette.

Mari: Yeah, bye.

Then Adrien dropped Mari home. He kissed her cheek before leaving.

Time Skip; Ball~

Adrien went to pick Marinette for the ball. The were wearing the clothes with they have worn in the above picture.

"Wow Mari, you look so beautiful!"

"Thanks Adrien, you so handsome so I had not choice but to match your level"

"Ohh is it?" He asked in a joking manner.

"Yup" she let out a giggle.

"Ready to go Mari?"

"Yup! Quick question, will Chloe be there?"

"Yeah she would be there but don't worry I would never leave your side"

"Great now lets go!"

Adrien and Marinette were dancing until a brat came their way and ruined there purrfect night!

Chloe had pushed Marinette due to which she was about to fall flat on the ground but was reused by two strong arms which were securely rapped around her waist.

"Maritrash leave my Adrikins alone"

"Chloe her name is Marinette and mine is Adrien"

"Adrikins stop dancing with this nobody here and dance with me" 

"Mrs. Bourgeois I think you should learn some manners"

"Mr. Agrest look who my Adrikins is dancing with" She had expected Gabriel to tell Adrien to let go of Marinette and dance with her but fortunately that did not happen!

"Mrs. Bourgeois my son's name is Adrien and here he is dancing with his girlfriend Marinette which is not a problem at all so it would be better if you stop creating a scene here"

"But Mr. Agrest he is my boyfriend and not here's" By this time everybody had their eyes on the fight going on.

"This is my last warning Mrs. Bourgeois, if you would not leave my son and his girlfriend alone it wouldn't end up well for you. You don't even have the slightest idea of what I can do" 

[Of course he is hawkmoth who knows what he will do next]

"This is unexpectable! I will go to daddy and have you out of this city Marinette!"

"Go ahead and try but better be ready to face the consequences" Gabriel said with a sly look on his face. Adrien was shocked to see his Father's caring nature.

"Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous! I hate you Marinette"

"The feeling is mutual Chloe! Have a great day" Marinette said in a sweet voice.

She huffed and left the couple alone for the rest of the night. She then tried to throw Marinette out of Paris but failed to do so! Instead her plan backfired and she left to New York to live with her mother.


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