Prologue: Bakugo's Origin

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"Hi!"  :Speaking
'Thank you'   :Thinking
"READING"    :POV/All Might Buff Speaking/Time Skips/ Dark Tone/ Great Emotion.
"This"    :Speaking/Narrating in Mind/Flashback

There will also be emotional things in this prologue so this is just the warning. Now, back onto the story!



"Wow Bakugo! Your quirk is really cool" one of the students said.

"Yeah Bakugo, you will be a great hero with that quirk" the teacher said. The other students also started complimenting his quurk saying it is 'cool' or 'awsome' boosting his comfidence.

"Hell yeah! I have the most powerful powerful quirk out of all you losers!" Bakugo said as he was smirking to the other students looking down on them.

"Come on Kacchan, don't say that to the others!" He turned his head to face Midoriya kind of angry on what he said.

"And what can you do about it Deku?!" He said as Midoriya backed down.

"Oh right, Midoriya didn't you manifest your quirk yesterday?" The teacher said making the other students turn to him in curiosity.

"Yes teacher! But.. it isn't perfect yet.." he said timidly. "It's alright, its to be expected since all of you are so young. So can you show it the class? If that's alright with you I mean."

The teacher said as he nodded and walked to the center of the class. " I go.." Midoriya said with everyone facing him in anticipation except for one. Bakugo.

Bakugo's POV

Stupid Deku walked over in the front to show of his quirk.

'It's probably just a weak quirk like that extra that turn anything she touches into flowers. Heh he's useless just like everybody here' I thought as one of them said,

"Wow that looks really cool too Midoriya!" Tch. Yeah right being able to move something really smal- wait what?! He has a pyrokinesis quirk?! Not only that, its green?! What is up with his quirk?!

"You think's not that impressive as Kacchan.." Deku said. "No way! It really cool just like Bakugo! You have a quirk that can also make a great hero!" One of the extras said as most of them agreed.

'A quirk just like mine?! Impossible! I should be the powerful one!' I thought as I'm fuming with rage. There shouldn't be someone more powerful than me in the world!

"Oyy Deku!" I said angrily as I saw him shivered. "How did you get that power?! I don't know anyone in your family with a fire quirk!" Rage still fills my blood as I shouted making the  extras tremble.

"Now now Bakugo, that's rude! Apologize." Now I'm even more angry. "It's ok miss.. I can answer his question." The nerd said as the teacher nodded.

"'s a combination of both of my parents' quirk. The reason.. why I got the flame is because of my dad's quirk, 'Fire Breath'. That, along.. with my mom's weak telekinesis, is why I have this quirk. Does that.. answer it for you, Kacchan?"

As he finished I calm down a little bit. 'I know he doesn't talk about his dad that much..but still' I thought as the teacher said, "Alright, if that answers your question, then please head back to your seats. We'll start with Math today."

The teacher said as the extras go back to there seats. "This talk isn't over yet, Deku." I said to him making him tremble even more.

-Time skip brought to you by Bakugo exploding an onion that made him cry-

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