Chapter 24

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Pausing at the top, I turned and watched Cameron stumble up the slope. I wanted to toss him clothes, well sort of, but it was a bad idea. Yes, I had been caring the bags the whole time. I hadn't noticed them much myself.

Shocked at my own reply, I grimaced at the sight of Cameron as he reached the top.

"Come on," he told me. Turning to move, I decided to take a first look at the Retreats before we left into the wild blue yonder.

Cameron was smart enough not to stick and watch, he didn't have wings that could get him away.

I looked down as they helped the raptor girl out of the water, dragging her onto the shore on the other side. She flopped over uselessly, groaning as far as I could see.

The rest helped, pulling her out and trying to haul her up the canyon side. They were probably planning on going back to the other girl, the one who at been yelling at the boys. She would probably come after us next, flapping on duck wings and shifting into something that probably couldn't catch a sky-dwelling animal.

Turning back to move ahead, I was shocked to find Cameron's head sticking out to watch.

"Well, go!" I flapped at him.

Cameron made a snort, turning to start a move on. He left at a trot, probably expecting me to hold up. Fine, I wouldn't.

Turning to take a last look, I was tempted to delay. They were caring the girl in their original animal forms, trying to haul her away. They would take forever, according to my estimate.

What I was tempted to do, was grab a couple rocks and start pelting them from above.

Shaking my head, I just turned to follow Cameron.

The dope, he was sitting their staring at me!

Lifting up my wings from my sides, I hurled myself into the air, letting dust from below me diffuse into the air.

"Catch up, slow poke!" I teased at Cameron.

He hadn't a clue what I was saying, but certainly got the 'Get off your butt and move it!' part.

I gave a small chuckle, flapping as fast as I could. I was soon getting so far ahead of Cameron that he was giving me looks of disapproval.

"Okay okay, don't get your antlers in a knot," I muttered under my breath.

I allowed Cameron to catch up, but only momentarily. He sped up, but he was just as tired as I was from a long swim/fly while being chased by Retreats.

Finally at a good pace with me, Cameron began bellowing at me.

"What?!" I screamed back at him.

Cameron and I couldn't tell what either of us was saying, so he continued to bellow me. As if, "Aaaarrauuu!" makes any sense what so ever to me.

Finally stopping, Cameron just continued bellowing me. It was continuous "Aaaarrauuaau!" as far as I could hear, and it was getting irritating.

I decided to turn and take a look. Cameron looked ridiculous with his lip curling every time he made one of his large bellows.

"What?!" I screamed again.

I flew down to Cameron, getting annoyed by his bellows.

"OK, just stop," I begged as I landed.

I landed, immediately trying to tug open the bag. Yanking out Cameron's clothes, I flew up and tossed them on his head, re-landing so that I was backwards.

I heard shuffling behind me, and was happy to turn around and find Cameron fully clothed for once. Not that I didn't mind it when he wasn't, it's just that it got uncomfortable.

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