Chapter 37

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The little assortment of huts was cute actually. Like a little city just waiting to burst to life, a concrete jungle hidden in those mud and straw walls. However, I wouldn't want to live in a place this hot, being an eagle at least. Cameron didn't look so good either, he had slowed down to a trot and his steps were lame. Dust flew around from his lagging gait, making him sneeze a few times.

Nonetheless, I wasn't there to wait for a caribou that was intolerant to heat when we had the fate of the people on Earth possibly resting on out shoulders. So I flew ahead, hoping that because he was smarter than me that he would arrive there at sometime and not turn into a lion's lunchtime.

Arriving at the huts, I saw a couple things I didn't expect to see: People were out and about and some of them were riding giant antelope-things.

Flying down behind a hut in the hopes they hadn't caught sight, scent, or sound of me, I changed.

The heat hit me at full blast, the dry weather certainly a help against the intense sun. Man, I was glad I wasn't back at Bridgestone on a day like this, it would have been uncomfortable and hot.

Taking a deep breath, I strolled calmly into the village, praying that I wouldn't end up getting killed on during first impressions.

Smiling, I gave a wave to people and hoped they didn't get too caught up in the fact that I shouldn't be here. Clearly some did.

A woman walked up to me, her face quizzical. Not to be racist but, it shocked me that in these conditions, standing here in front of me was a white. She had blonde hair, brown eyes, and a deserving sun burn, everywhere.

"Hey, vat are you doing here?" she asked to me and me only.

"Uh..." I stumbled upon the thought for a moment.

She eyed me cautiously, taking the hint that I was trouble. Or possibly.

"Do you guys have a leader here?"

"Yes." She looked at me impatiently.

I twirled my fingers, a little nervous that she would shift into a lioness or something and kill me before I get my own chance to shift. "Can you please...take me to them?"

She looked at me carefully, as if I was some piece of art she was supposed to critique.

"I promise I won't kill anyone, I just need to speak to them." I said, hands in the air.

"I would like to know your sheeft ferst." she told me.

"A Golden Eagle. And my friend back there is a caribou."

Praying that he was actually there and that this woman wouldn't kill me and him, I looked through the huts to see Cameron walking over. "Oh, and he needs clothes."

Apparently she wasn't done with me yet, and there were a few more eyes on us. "I vant to see your sheeft."

I grumbled, shifting then and there. The woman finally gave a nod that she believed me.

Trying to get the right limbs into the right places, I shifted again, happy that no one would see anything.

Walking along ahead of me, the woman walked calmly to a hut that looked like the rest. Same small mud hut with straw and what not for the roof.

Rapping her knuckles on the door, she spoke to whomever was on the other side. "Per'toro all tsi'a?"

Whatever the other person had shouted was muffled, but she swung the door open and let me in. "Oh yeah, when the caribou-shifter comes, make sure he comes here to me too." I told the lady. She frowned at me and sighed, but nodded.

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