Chapter 38

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I couldn't believe it. It was silent as a calm sea in here.

They had left, they had really left...

"Cameron!" I yelled, flying around to find a way to let him through. The pain hits me wave after wave, and tears now leak from my eyes, but I try to fly over to Cameron. Through the thick vines and leaves of the fort, I turned around to go and find where he was.

I found myself staring at a hole where Cameron had been standing. If this dang fort weren't so confusing, I might have found him.

"Oh my God, we have no fucking time and he's screwing around!" I screamed, flying through the hole and into the fortress. Cameron appeared to be looking for me, for he came out of one of the other rooms as I flew in. He gave me a bellow, trotting worriedly over to me. I dropped down on his antlers before he could say anything, clearing my eyes and trying to ignore the pain from breathing.

He decided not to tell me why he seemed so worried, but rather began to move to it. That can't be good.

As we come into whatever room he'd been in before, it takes me a moment to realize where I am. What the heck- I narrow my eyes, Oh! I remember. We're in the room where they kept all of the shifters below.

But I don't want to fly and put more stress on my side, Cameron can do that.

Gliding off carefully, even though that hurts too, I land and begin to waddle into a separate room to shift and change.

Not caring whether or not Cameron comes in and sees me, I shift and change, pulling on the thin clothes happily.

Stepping out, I see Cameron walking slowly by the holes, sniffing each one. He pawed at a few, then continued to move along.

"Hey, Cameron!" I called out to him. He swiveled his head to me, giving a look that seemingly said, 'What? What could be so important that you're gonna stop me now?'

I open my mouth to talk some more, take a step forward and wince. "Alright, since you did whatever you did to my side, you can get these opened. I'll go into the other room if you like," I tell him, hoping he doesn't realize I'll be peeking out anyway.

He gave me a nod, walking briskly over to the first hole, and I walk carelessly into the other room. I peek over soon to see he's shifted, but his head is turned enough he might be able to see me. I quickly pull my head back, now focused on Cameron rather than saving the world.

I peer through the branches to see only half of his body, but he must have known I would be looking because he's facing me now, and I can't see his butt.

I chuckle silently to myself, watching his well-toned body, thanks to all of this chaos.

"Kendra!" he calls.

I turn to look at him. "Yes?"

"I'm gonna get the rest, you check if anyone is there."

"Dude, my side is killing me, remember?"

He rolls his eyes at me, and I'm scanning his body happily. "Fine, go back."

I begin to tease him, "Whoa, I don't like your attitude, sassy,"

Rolling his eyes at me again, he shooed me back. I gave him a sassy wave of my finger, my hand on my hips before turning around. I listen to the sound of him going up and down the many cells, knowing that yes, we'd have twice the work done by now if I wasn't injured.

After a bit, I heard him shout for me. I came out from behind the vines, looking at him curiously. He waved a hand furiously for me to come over.

Quickly, I jogged over to see what it was.

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