Chapter 34

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He gave me a straight face, bowing to the Baroness quickly before returning back to me. I felt my jaw drop at the sight of him, a sickening feeling in my stomach.

What is he doing here so free? Surely he isn't one of them! But if he is, does that mean he would have tried to recruit me?

I gave my toughest growl, sad that it was him but I wasn't going to let the Baroness think I was weak. "Yes, I do know him."

"So than you do know vat is in zis basin." she told me, lightly tapping it with her forefinger.

What the hell does this woman not get? I ranted in an attempt to cool my frustration.

I let in a shaky breath, hissing out my answer with gritted teeth. "Nooo,"

"Zatreash, bring ze others to anozer room. I must deal vith her."

She stood up carefully, walking threateningly towards me. I followed her without turning my head, refusing to bow down or show any submission to her. "You do know, you just von't admit it."

"I don't kn-"

"Enough. I know, as does Zatreash. Now, you may or may not be keeled, your trust will show us."

Trust what? Trust her? No way. "Trust?"

"You vill either accept zees, be killed, or set free. Your choices vill make the decision for you."

"No, you will." I jeered. Smart ass, I thought with a chuckle at my words.

"Do you know vat ve aere doing?" The Baroness moved closer as she talked to me, eyeing the top of my head from what it looked like.

"I already said no!" I shouted.

Standing up involuntarily, I jabbed a forefinger at her chest and looked her in the eyes. "Look lady, I already said no. I don't know why you're so stupid you don't get it. Now if you can't listen then I don't even what to know!"

With a snarl, I barely saw what was coming until I had been hit right in the center of my spine, falling to the ground. I clutched my chest at the pain from the impact, moving another hand to my back as a sharp throbbing began where I had been hit.

"Take heir back to zee cell!"

I felt rough hands yank me up, nails digging into my arms. "Ow!" I squealed, kicking roughly to try and get away. The hands just grabbed me tighter, twisting my arms backwards and my head down. I screamed and felt someone hit me. The taste of blood filled my mouth, and I felt an increased pressure to shift.

I heard a screech from behind me that was distinctly the baroness's. "Get her out!"

The shifters shoved me, my palms brushing against the rough ground. I was pulled up again almost instantly and dragged away once more.

At this point, I knew I couldn't get away. I could tell my the number of hands grabbing me that there were at least 4 people grabbing me. I needed to pull myself together if I was to get out of this.

I need to run away, and quick, I thought, bracing myself for the adrenaline rush I was about to get.

Thrusting my head upwards and giving the most violent yanks I could with what effort I had left, I ran as quickly as I could down the hallway. I knew I couldn't outrace them, so I shifted as soon as I thought was safe.

I barely had time to get used to my size change, I just grabbed my clothes and lifted off.

The high ceiling was certainly helpful, none of the Retreats seemed able to grab me, as they wouldn't shift. Maybe they weren't allowed inside the fortress.

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