Chapter 17

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Unlike yesterday, I woke on my own account. Cameron wasn't there to tell me rise and shine.

Stretching my arms above my head, I let out a tired groan and flopped back to the ground.

"Well, what makes you so tired?" Abby asked.

"Oh, I'm well rested, just getting out the sleepy time stiffness." I responded.

Abby nodded for me to join her, and she tossed me my clothes.

Abby turned herself around and let me inch out of the bag and change.

"Done," I told Abby.

Abby turned with a smile and nodded for me to join her.

I sat down on the dry earth next to her, holding my dry and cracked hands above the warm little fire.

Just as I got settled, I heard Cameron shout behind me. "Move over quick, I'm coming through!" was all he said.

I turned to see Cameron struggling with a piece of log in his arms. "Here, let me carry it," I offered.

"No, just let me get through." he puffed.

I got up and stopped in front of him, watching the log sway in his arms.

"Let me carry it," I said confidently.

"No," Cameron ordered.

I stuck my hands under the log, finding a good grip in the gross, moldy bark of the trunk.

"Let go Kendra," Cameron said through clenched teeth.

I was strong enough to carry a stupid piece of rotting log! I tightened my grip on the bark at his remark, dragging it across his arms towards me. I could tell already the bark was scraping his skin.

"Let go," I told him.

Cameron made a frown and looked at Abby before letting me take the hunk of wood.

I pretended to make it look as if I was doing fine with the log, marching carefully over to the fire. I didn't show it, but I was struggling with the weight of the branch as it prepared to tip.

Finally getting nervous, I rushed over to the fire.

I couldn't help it under the weight of the branch and the imbalance, so I dropped it.

The log hit the ground with a thud that made me wince, then caused me to wince again as it split. I watched as a moth fluttered up from the log. I knew Abby would be pointing fingers at me so I started to stare at the moth.

"Kendra, listen to him next time," Abby sighed.

I gave a faint nod as I continued to stare, then bent down and grabbed one of the log pieces.

I brought it over to the fire, setting it down carefully as I remembered previous experiences. I reached behind me to grab the other piece, but couldn't feel it.

Cameron passed me with the other piece as I turned around.

"So, are we going to eat?" I asked.

"We're just warming up, we'll eat in animal forms when we're done." Cameron told me.

"What? But we need to get a move on! Those boys are probably halfway through these mountains by now, we need to be moving quickly!" I shouted.

"OK, OK, we're still going," Abby soothed.

I rubbed my temples and glared at the two of them in annoyance.

"How about I get something for us to cook?"

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