Chapter 21

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The strange feeling in my head was annoying. This is what happened when I sleep on something hard.

Cameron and I had decided to move in the middle of the night to avoid becoming a dinner buffet, but the area was uncomfortable.

Turns out Cameron and I had forgiven each other because of our latest events(Abby's death). We were willing to work together in honor of Abby, nothing more, nothing really.

I nudged at Cameron's shoulder, prodding him awake.

"Ow!" was his first words.

"What? How could I have hurt you, I merely nudged you."

Cameron sat up all of the way, clutching the opposite shoulder. Clearly his pain wasn't my fault.

"My shoulder hurts, I think I slept on it funny." he said, twisting his shoulder around.

I scooted over, reaching out my hand to feel it. I pulled back his sleeve and felt it. His shoulder was really hard underneath.

"You must have strained it. The muscle is really tense."

Cameron looked at me funny. "Yes, thank you doctor. I will have it treated immediately." he joked.

I rolled my eyes at him, throwing him another doctor joke. "Then you are in the right hands, I shall try massaging you."


"Yeah, why not?"

"Fine," he giggled.

I had felt a massage before, I could probably do one similar.

Pressing my hands into his upper arm, I let my thumbs trail down the tense muscle.

"That kinda hurts. Could you slow down a bit?" he begged.

"No, this is how you massage."

He grumbled at the pain, but remained still as I continued to press at the sore places.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

"Not when your doing it."

I huffed, pressing my palms in even harder. It felt like I was trying to kneed a piece of clay.

Finally, my arm started to ache and I stopped. "Better?"

Cameron tested his arm a bit. "For now."

"Lets go, those boys will be far ahead by now,"

Cameron sat back against the tent. "Why are we doing this again?" he asked.

"Because the Retreats are a dangerous group. They have found a way to get second animals, and ones that shouldn't exist. Their leader, the Baron they call it needs to be taken down if we want the genus's safe. So, yeah."

"Ugh, do we have to?"

"You wanted to, and we should avenge the dead reindeer and Abby!" The thought of her brought tears back into my eyes. I could also see Cameron tearing up too.

"Abby didn't die from them," he tried.

"Then the shifter and the others they've probably killed."

Cameron nodded his head, wiping his eyes of tears at the mention of Abby. I didn't want to cry, but holding it back hurt. I let the tears drip down my face, letting out the occasional sob, but I kept as quite as possible.

The air outside was cold and damp, but the rain had stopped. I stared pitifully down at the giant mud muddle below, turning away to prevent myself from crying anymore.

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