Chapter 26

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Kyena can only be described by one word at the moment. She's being an asshole. I think it's because I beat her, but that's just being a sore loser.

I opened up into the clearing near our bags, sneering at Kyena as I passed her. She glared at me, kicking at the ground with anger, clearly tempted to pummel me.

"Don't tempt me Kenzra, I am still the greater animal," she warned me.

My emotions immediately flared. "It's Kendra genius! And your animal is only greater on land, but I could still probably kill you, slowly and painfully," I sneered.

"Who says it is Kendra?" She asked with clear struggle in pronunciation.

I opened my mouth, shocked at what she was saying to me.

"Ohmigod, I'm not even starting!" I yelled with frustration, shunning her as I turned away.

Cameron saw my clear anger, walking over to Kyena to explain. It was clearly time for me to give her a nickname. How about sour butt? Yeah, that's fitting enough.

Now I was beyond starving; I was ravenous. I could eat the planet, but I knew that there were other people out there hungrier or suffering more than me.

"Cameron, I'll be right back, I need to go eat," I waved at him.

He waved back, clearly so intent in his conversation that he couldn't even make eye contact.

I grumbled along with an eye roll as I made up my mind to take a look at Kyena. She was arguing with Cameron about my name. Pfft, who says 'who says its -' so and so's name to that person's face? I know my name Kyena, thank you very much.

I was quick to change, no longer was I careful as I stripped, I was starving. I just really hoped my clothes hadn't ripped because I wasn't paying attention if they were.

As I flew around the mountainous side for a while, I managed to catch a rabbit.

Bringing it down with a rough nip to the neck, the squirming rabbit was squirming no more. I had devoured the whole rabbit before I could even taste it.

I was still hungry, I caught a flying squirrel, and yes, there were those in these funky mountains. I didn't get how this worked at all, but it did. Maybe this was similar to another Pangaea or something.

I flew around a bit, taking note of the surroundings. Nothing moved that seemed dangerous, I was doubting the Retreats goal now was to get us. After all, we had seemed to prove a fair threat after that run at the canyon.

I started grumbling about Kyena as I started to get excruciatingly bored. Refusing to go back, I flew around until my boredom began to fully kick in. I tipped myself in the direction of Cameron and Kyena. I spotted them by the sight of Cameron grazing in his animal form.

I dove down, careful to go unnoticed. Kyena, who was dissecting flowers and grass with her nails didn't seem to notice. I don't know if Cameron did.

I changed with silence, trying as best I could to stay out of sight.

Finally, I jumped out with the loudest 'Boo!' I could. Cameron merely looked up, and Kyena gave a small jump, along with a pissed off look.

"Aw Cameron, where's the fun?" I asked.

He chewed a little bit before ignoring me and focusing on his lunch.

I'd realized that I had cooled down, so I clapped my hands and told everyone to get up.

"Finally! I've been vaiting all day to go," Kyena got up and went into the trees to change.

"Hey, that was not the invitation to start getting sassy again!" I yelled at her.

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