Chapter 30

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I felt confidence for a moment, but also pleasure. Something had come to defy the ways of the Retreats.

With my feathers fluffed up with happiness, I watched with delight as the whole first wave of Retreats jumped with shock at the force of wild cats barreling at them. Many of the predatory Retreats even backed up a couple steps.

Cameron and Kyena were swung wildly in the clutches of the giant beast holding them as it jerked backwards. Its giant feet thundered as it moved around. However, the dumb Retreat didn't seem to either care or notice that Cameron and Kyena were now flopping around like they were dead. I winced as they bonked through all of their swinging. Cameron moved a bit, but Kyena only made a small growl. It was obvious they were totally miserable.

To their luck, sort of, the giraffe-creature stilled itself as the Retreats reformed their strong rates and prepared to meet the wild cats head on.

"Uh oh," I muttered to myself with uncertainty for the fate of the wild cats racing bravely to take on the Retreats.

Lines of predatory Retreats stepped in front of the rest, showing off teeth and claws as the wild cats approached.

I admired their bravery, it was almost as impressive as mine, but they were flawed in size. Of course, I usually am. Even some of the smallest Retreats were larger than the lions. The only reason I wasn't trying was because I knew there was a limit to this. They were a lot bigger, stronger, and no doubt faster than many of the wild cats they were up against.

As the line of wild cats struck, I watched with small pity as their lines were soon being killed and devoured by hungry, cannibalistic Retreats. The small bodies of cheetahs were being torn to shreds, the larger bodies of lions turning to a mid-battle meal in seconds.

With second thoughts at the dead or dying of their own, the wild cats began to retreat back into the savanna. I wonder if this is why the Retreats were called the Retreats; they made others retreat when challenged or seen. Maybe not always when seen, but more when challenged.

With the lines of wild cats running off into the tall grasses, the Retreats moved on without checking for injuries or anything. It was as if they hadn't been attacked. Of course, the only ones with injuries were the dead wild cats who had attempted to defeat one of the Retreats.

Beginning to move forward again, Cameron and Kyena both grumbled as the swaying from the giraffe-creature continued.

I watched with silence from my spot atop the canyon as a couple of the Retreats went racing off after the wild cats, some going with rope. Why were they taking shifters who were obviously refusing to join the Retreats?

The rest of the Retreats began to get a move on, some of them staring over the shoulders of others at why they had stopped in the first place.

I felt my little hiding place atop the canyon grow less and less comfortable as I watched about four waves of Retreats move through the canyon and into the savanna too slowly for me to stand it.

After the last had left the canyon, Cameron and Kyena were about a mile ahead. With four waves, they shouldn't be, but the Retreats weren't very neat with their lines.

Taking off as the last Retreat moved into the slowly thickening grassland, I tried to keep out of sight of the herbivores who might be able to see behind them and possibly spot me.

I flew around with the Retreats below me for a while, trying to get a better view of Cameron and Kyena without having to be so paranoid of being seen myself. Obviously the Retreats weren't so nervous about being seen, after all they were coming through the savanna as a giant crowd of super-sized shifters in animal form.

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