Chapter 35

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I sat in a tree all night, sleeping half of it and listening to conversations the Baroness was having the other half. But my mind was occupied by Cameron. I was pretty much desperate to save him. And...Kyena. I needed help, that much was for sure(Only because I don't know how they get to Earth, and how to stop it!). 

I don't know what time it was, when I decided that if I was to get Cameron and Kyena, I should do it now. The Baroness seemed to be asleep, after all I couldn't hear annoying gibberish anymore.

Flying over the fortress, it seemed only smart if you would enter through the roof, no one could get me there. 

Trying to fly as silently as possible as I approached a spot on the ceiling, I landed gently on the soft vine and ivy, before peeling away at it with my claws. I set the extra pieces of ceiling aside as I fell through the hole, catching myself at a scary moment.

I flew through the room, utterly stumped as I saw the lighting difference between the fortress and outside. Outside was bright enough to see, thank you stars and moon. Inside the fortress, it was pretty dang dark. 

But I wasn't going to give up just then, even though I got really nervous something that could see better than me would kill me in the dead of night, snooping through the fortress. 

Flying as high as I could, to a point where my back was skimming the ceiling, I began to explore each room. Nothing interesting came up, and I was certain I could see a guard through the dim light of the fortress in a bedroom. Yeah, you can guess how noisy it was. 

It took me a while to find the room where the holes to the cells were. And man was it difficult for me to see at the moment. But I could still see. 

I flew down to the holes, looking at how many there were. More than I wanted to count. Or cared to. So my next option was to get down to the underground hallway where they were located. After all, I had seen people go through it, past us poor souls trapped in the cells.

I took a bird's eye view look at the holes, and thought about the way people had come through. There were two ways to look, to the north of the holes, or the south. I decided to check north first, so I flew back out of the room and gave a look around the massive fortress for the correct room. Nothing showed, so I turned to the south.

My arrival at the correct room was greeted by what I hadn't wanted. Indeed, a guard stood at the front of the room. It was one of the giant cheetahs, and it seemed to have found me already. 

I flapped around, knowing it was useless to try and hide myself. But what surprised me most was that it hadn't gotten up yet and tried to attack me. It just sat there, staring. I flew closer to the hole, yet it did nothing.

Flying above it, I took a dive to see its reaction. It moved out of my way. 

"What is wrong with you?" I hissed silently, secretly glad it was doing nothing. The giant cheetah stared at me, before doing something no ordinary Retreat would do. It gave a nod of its head for me to move on. I didn't wait for another second to dive into the hole. 

I flew through as quickly as possible, nervous I would come up to see a cheetah and the Baroness staring down at me with disdain. But then I had to stop and move back, actually looking through each cell. 

Nope nope nope, nope, uh uh, negative. No one here appears to be Cameron. At least, about a quarter down the cells from what I knew. 

I think it was around one third down the hallway when I did find the cell with Cameron. Great! Now I have to count and see where he is! I thought with sarcasm. He was 18th cell on the left-hand side. 

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