Chapter 33

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Walking through the fortress showed the incredible engineering of it. With trees being part of it's structure, it provided perfect camouflage, and the size was perfect for enormous shifts.

As soon as we entered the main room, or so it seemed, I looked around for the Baroness. The only real sign that she existed, was a throne at the head of the room. Its very intricately carved gems around the stone of the actual throne were crowned by a symmetrical set of leaves and flowers set atop it. The ivy crawling across the sides of the white stone made it look important.

I was then forced into a kneeling position by the people who had brought me here. Why, when I was perfectly capable of getting up and moving around, I didn't know. It was only realized when there was people watching me did I stay where I was. There were eyes peeking at me through the leaves of vines that separated each of the rooms in the fortress.

Staying still as possible as I waited for the all-deadly-and-powerful Baroness, my eyes explored the room. Not much about the room was special except for the throne and piece of the pond outside that extended in through the right side of the room.

Finally, the Baroness stepped into room. I was astounded, she was a well-muscled, slightly bulky, slightly lean woman. Her clear face was a darker olive, with her hair a matching black glossy sheen across the sides of her face.

Sitting down with intensity, a couple other Retreats followed through the entranceway, standing on either side of the throne carefully. The Baroness acted as if she didn't notice them, if she did at all. Her eyes trained on me, and I was surprised to find them a gorgeous shade of icy blue that contrasted greatly against her coloring, yet looked great otherwise.

Refusing to bow my head in her presence, even though the Baroness hadn't told me to do anything yet, I kept my gaze level.

"And vat is your name?" she said in the distinct accent of the shapeshifters.

"W-why?" I said with a slight squeak to my voice.

"Vat is you name?" she said calmly, but I could tell she was demanding.

I really didn't want to show any submission to this lady, but as she clearly was becoming agitated, I decided it would be best to not mess with her at the moment. After all, she is the leader of the Retreats, certainly the most powerful? I would take her down later.

"Kendra," I told her with a huff.

The Baroness stared back at me, scratching her chin as she stared. "Do you know who ve are?" she asked calmly.

"Well duh, the Retreats," I said impatiently. What? Was her point to have me here so she could brag about her little army or something?

"Ve are more zen zat. Ve are power, and lots of it. Do you know vat ve plan to do?"

Now that sounded suspicious. Why would she tell me? I could tell everyone else, and destroy her plans. Or would it be the decision over joining her and keeping the secret or death? "No," I answered her question.

With a slight smirk, she nodded her head, making me confused.

Giving her a confused face, I soon saw someone come from the hallway that the baroness herself had entered through. He brought in a sort of wooden drum, which he carried delicately in his arms, and had a hood covering most of his face.

I peered closely at the wooden drum, trying to figure out what its purpose was, until my eyes traveled to the man whom had carried it in. The familiarity of his face made me look closer. Finally he turned and faced me, and I realized with a smirk it was Ryan. He stared with a blank face at me, his one good eye watching me carefully, studying me.

The Baroness looked at me out of the corner of my eyes.

"Ah, so you see Ryan here?" she asked.

I didn't move, refusing to answer her command. Ryan continued to stare, then bent over and whispered something into the Baroness's ear. She looked back at me again, then spoke up to make me look over. It worked, and I turned my head.

"This is Ryan, my general of ze airmy,"

My smirk turned into a frown, and I turned back to face the Baroness. "Why would he be general? He's got one eye, no sense, and has no power or skill as far as I'm concerned." I snarled with anger. Truth was, it was just jealousy over Ryan's position in life.

"Because, he has proved worsy. He shows intelligence, and is reliable." the Baroness said calmly.

I gave a snort of unapproved answers. Ryan doesn't deserve to be the second in command, and how powerful could his second shift be anyway?

I stood up quickly, opening my mouth to speak before I was interrupted. "Sit back down, now!"

Remaining standing, I looked from Ryan to the Baroness, who had been the one to shout. She was gripping her throne fiercely, a look of sheer annoyance on her face. But I wasn't going to sit down yet, she couldn't boss me around right now.

"Why should Ryan be general? What's so great about him that he should be of a higher status?" I said with an attempted calm-yet-deadly manner. Ryan gave me an annoying grin of satisfaction at my own annoyance.

"I said sit!" the Baroness screamed. Looking over and giving her a glare, I sat back down.

"Thank you," she muttered to me.

What's her problem? I wondered. "Why are you being so catty about me standing?" I said in a mocking whiny voice.

She simply stared at me, her straight face unchanging. "Will you at least answer my question about Ryan?" my smile of contempt turning to a frown.

"No. Now, do you see zis basin?" she held up the drum to show me. I took notice over the zig-zagging lines at the top and bottom, but the otherwise emptiness of design on it.

"Yes," I retorted in a bored tone.

"This holds the key to your transformation into a Retreat. Now you can choose do become one or not. Ve know you know vat ees in here, so make ze right choice and you von't be killed."

What? How would I know what is in that thing? It could be pee for crying out loud! I thought in panic. "N-no I don't!" I protested in panic. The Baroness simply stared at me, her eyes darkening as she watched.

I was stuck. I hadn't a clue what the Baroness's second shift was, or Ryan's. For all I knew, they could both be some enormous dinosaurs! And how was I supposed to know what was in the drum? And what was there plan? If it was something good and not like, 'to destroy the world' then maybe yes. But why weren't others simply joining then?

I wanted information. Then I might. After all, this was life or death. "Tell me what's in there first. Then tell me how I am supposed to know what is in there. Then tell me what it does, any side-effects, and your plan on why you have created the Retreats. Give me answers and then I will decide." I told her, holding my chin higher in defiance of her.

"You know vat's in here. Don't you remember?" The Baroness held her arms out to the hallway from where Ryan entered. I squinted my eyes for movement, waiting for whatever she was gesturing at.

Stepping into the room silently, Soreva and Kobe being pushed along behind him, was Zatreash.

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