Chapter 8

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I stood there, frozen, staring at Soreva as she stared back at me. Her blue eyes gazed into mine. We stood there, a staring face-off before she snapped out of it and greeted me,

"Hello Kendra. Do you know where Zatreash is?"

"Over there," I pointed back the way I'd came.

"Thanks!" she exclaimed.

I watched her run off in with an excited pace. I shook my head to clear it, than walked inside and grabbed some food. It was pretty much left over's from yesterday.

I took some rabbit rib and chowed it down, putting the bowl away but unsure of where to put the bones. I guess I bury them?

I walked outside to bury them, but almost screamed as Zatreash popped out from behind a rock to escort me to my class.

"Zatreash don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry, you need to get a move on." he panted.

I picked up the bones I'd almost threw at him,

"What do I do with these?"

"Put them on the other side of the fire pit, but hurry, your going to be late if you don't hurry."

I nodded my head, and ran into the room to drop off the bones on the pile I hadn't seen before. Some of the bones still had meat on them, and smelled awful. I started to wonder, wouldn't a diet of meat be bad for our health? Maybe the Accipitrid part of us would let us tolerate it or something.

I came back out and saw Zatreash tapping his foot in impatience. The sun was only partially risen, did I have to get to class this early?

Zatreash waved for me to follow, and let me around the rock columns in a haste. We arrived in front of the edge of the canyon wall. I gave a careful peek over, maybe a 200 foot drop? This must be one of the shorter parts of the canyon.

Zatreash started jogging towards a boulder in front of us, balanced precariously against another rock. It amazed me the rock hadn't fallen yet, crashing down to the bottom of the canyon to remain as rubble.

We went around the rock, coming to another side with an extension of rock where the group of people in my class sat. A woman sat at the head of the group, staring at the sky in deep thought.

"Anaka, do you mind taking Kendra?" Zatreash shouted to the woman.

She looked down at Zatreash, her eyes blinking out the sunlight. "Sure,"

Zatreash pushed me forward towards the group. I sat down in the back and Zatreash gave a squeeze of my shoulders good luck and left.

"Alright everyvone, new student, Kendra." she pointed to me.

The group of students turned to look at me. Cami was here!

She looked me up and down with an angry expression, was I annoying to her? I sure hope not.

"Alright, today we will check zee canyone for threats, and prey sources for the hunting group. We will have three groups, one to check the edge of zee canyon, one to scheck the main canyon, and one to check the rivears. OK?

"I want all of you to organize yourselfs into the three groups. You are lucky I am letting you choose. Now, go!"

I saw how the three groups worked, one was all boys, another was all girls, and then there was Cami and I. Standing there, looking around for a potential group, Cami's and my eyes met.

"Do you wanna be in my group?" I asked her.

"Sure. What do you want to patrol?" she asked dully.

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