Chapter 54

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Quinn was going crazy trying to get things together for her and Rachel's date. Honestly she didn't even know what they were doing for the date. She was panicking. She had never been on a date before let alone planned one. She wasn't much of a 'take the girl on a date' kind of a girl, but Rachel. Rachel was different. Rachel was special. Rachel had changed everything Quinn knew about herself. She had to make this perfect. Perfect for Rachel. But what if Rachel didn't like what she came up with? What if it turns into a total disaster? Oh god, she's freaking out again. She needs help and fast.

"Guys, I need your h-WHOA!" Quinn yells when she burst through the door.

"What the hell?!" Santana shouts covering up herself up. She and Brittany snuck off to the guest bedroom half an hour ago to make out. A topless, with the bra still on, Brittany was currently straddling an equally topless Santana, still in bra, in bed. "Dude, what the fuck?" Santana asks pissed at the interruption.

"Oh please I've seen it all before. Look Brittany I really need your help." Quinn says ignoring the frustrated Latina Santana.

"Q, don't you see we're a little busy here." Santana huffs.

"Yea sorry, but this is way more important than you getting your mack on." Quinn says.

"I doubt it." Santana mutters. Santana groans when Brittany moves off her lap. "Ugh damn you Quinn! Damn you!"

"So what's up?" Brittany asks as she puts back her shirt. The two blondes ignore the very pissed off and pouting Latina behind them.

"I need to think of the perfect first date for Rachel." Quinn says. Brittany's face lights up.

The two blondes go into ideas for the date while still in the bed, Santana sulks. After 15 minutes, the two had come up with a perfect plan, and Brittany went to Rachel's room to help her get ready, which meant no QT time with Santana. Santana glares at Quinn.

"Words can't even explain how much I hate you right now." Santana sneers.

"What?" Quinn says innocently.

"Just remember that pay back is a bitch. A really hot bitch named Santana. Remember that." Santana says walking out of the guest room. Quinn smirks and follows behind her.

After an hour of getting ready, Quinn went to get the things for the date ready. She still two hours for everything. Good thing she had Brittany distracting Rachel.

30 minutes later, Rachel was franticly going through her closet for something to wear on her date. Brittany sat on the bed watching her.

" that...uhgrr, why can't I find anything to wear." Rachel huffs.

"Rae, just calm down. We'll find you something." Brittany reassured her.

Another round of going through her draws and closet, they finally settled on what should be the perfect outfit. Brittany remembered that Quinn said it was casual dress, so they settled on one of Rachel's plaid blue skirts, a white polo shirt with a gray cardigan over it and a pair of blue Vans.

After taking a shower, Rachel got ready and had Brittany work on her hair. After an hour Rachel was finally ready.

"How do I look?" Rachel asks shyly.

"You look so hot Rach. Quinn is going to trip over herself." Brittany says.

"You really think so?" Brittany nods.

The two head downstairs. Rachel thinks Quinn is still upstairs getting ready. She was so nervous that she got ready early, so she thought Quinn might still be getting ready herself. So as she "waited" for Quinn, she decides to list off things for Lucas to Santana, Puck and Brittany. Although this wasn't the first time she's had to leave Lucas in someone else's care, she and Quinn did it every morning before school, it always felt like the first time. She'll never be okay with leaving her baby.

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