Chapter 47

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It's been a month into the new school year and everything was going good. Glee club was good, and they had more than enough people to compete. There were still the occasional slushee attacks going on, but all was good.

Puck was having fun with his new friend, Sam. Even had a new lady in his life, even if this new lady doesn't even know he exist, and if she did, she aint showing it. He got her to join glee club, but still nothing. She's shot down every advance Puck's tried to make on her. He'd get her sooner or later. Most likely later, but don't tell him that.

Quinn and Santana were confused by Puck's sudden love interest. I mean come on it's Lauren Zizes. Really, Puck. Really. It's whatever though, if he's happy, then Santana and Quinn are happy for him. They'll still tease and joke him about it, but they're still happy for him.

Quinn had also spent the last month thinking over her decision to maybe not rejoin the team. After some talks with a few people, Puck, Santana, and Rachel, who eventually found out, Coach Beiste and surprisingly the new basketball coaching assistant, Mr. Watson. In the end Quinn realized, that she loves basketball to much to give it up. Sure she had a lot of things to do now, but she's not doing it alone. She has her friends and her family. Most importantly she has Rachel. With them, she could do this. So she's not giving basketball up. Not just yet, or ever. Besides, she still has to get the team to the championships.

She couldn't stop the smile from coming on her face thinking about Rachel and Lucas showing up to cheer her on at the game.

Speaking of Lucas, for a baby that was born premature, he was growing fast. He was only seven months, but this boy looked at least 9 months. Well at least we know that he's getting his growth from Quinn. He was just the cutest happiest baby you would ever see.

It was the weekend and Quinn thought that instead of staying in the house they should go out.

"Hey, let's go out." Quinn says

Rachel was currently on the couch with a very happy and talkative Lucas.

"What?" Rachel asks

"Yea, it's a nice warm day. Let's go out and do something. Take Jaime somewhere."

"Oh okay. Well where would we go? There's but so many things that we can do with a seven month old." Rachel says.

"The zoo maybe." Quinn shrugs.

"The zoo?"

"Yea, the zoo could be fun." Quinn answers.

"Mmm, what do you think Luke, do you want to go to the zoo and see all the nice animals?" Rachel asks Lucas. Lucas looks at his mommy, he giggles his little baby giggle and mumbles a bunch of baby talk. Rachel and Quinn laugh.

"I'm taking that as a yes." Quinn smiles.

"Alright well let's get dressed and head to the zoo." Rachel says

"Yes" Quinn fist pumps. Rachel chuckles at her. They start to head up the stairs.

"Oh wait, do you want me to call the others and tell them to meet us there?" Rachel asks. Quinn suddenly grows nervous. "What is it?"

"Well you know, I was kind of hoping if it could be just us. You, me and Jaime. Kind of like a family day." Quinn says nervously. A smile spreads over Rachel's face. She places her hand under Quinn's chin so that she could look at her.

"I think that is a great idea Quinn." Rachel says. Quinn smiles a dopey smile.


They head upstairs to get dressed. They first get Lucas dressed, then went to their separate rooms to get themselves dressed. Twenty minutes later they were dressed and ready to go.

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