Chapter 17

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15 minutes later, Puck found himself waiting in the waiting room of the doctor's office with Rachel, waiting for her name to be called.

"Rachel Berry."

"Yes." Rachel said as she and Puck walked up the receptionist.

"The doctor will see you now." the beautiful young blonde woman said with a genuine smile and pointed to room the doctor was waiting for Rachel in.

"Thank you." Rachel said before getting out of her chair and walking to the room. Puck followed Rachel, after giving the receptionist his number and sending her a sexy smirk and wink with hand gesture that said 'Call me.' The receptionist just looked at the boy confused, before shaking her head and going back to her work.

"You ready?" Puck asked.

Rachel looked at Puck. Was she ready? I mean this was it; she was about to see her baby for the first time. She was scared shitless.

Rachel nodded her head, but at the same time said "No."

"Come on, it'll be okay. I'll be right there with you." Puck said. "Now come on, let's go see the tyke." Puck smiled at Rachel and took her hand. Rachel smiled up at him and let him lead her to the room the doctor was in.

Once they got into the room, Rachel was once again greeted with a familiar face of Dr. West.

"Rachel, there you are. How are you on this fine afternoon?" Dr. Pete West greets with a smile.

"Hi Uncle Petey. I'm fine." Rachel replied

"That's good."

"Uncle Petey, this is-" Rachel started

"Oh god, this isn't the one that you pregnant is it?" Pete asked looking a bit horrified.

"What? No! That's Quinn. Quinn Fabray. She's a girl. This is Noah Puckerman." Rachel explain.

"The one who threw the party?"


"So he's not the one that got you pregnant?" Dr. West asked again


"Oh thank god." Dr. West said in relief. Puck's smile fell.

"Uncle Petey, you remember Noah Puckerman, don't you?" Rachel asked

"The kid that got his penis stuck the horn after watching that stupid American Pie movie?" Pete laughed.

"Okay seriously it was a trumpet." Puck defended "Santana bet that I couldn't do it without getting stuck. It looked easy."

"You do know the guy got stuck too, right?" Rachel asked

"Yeah, well I thought I was little smarter then him. The guy just didn't know how to do it right, so I thought I could do it better and get out, so I did it."

"Yeah,.." Dr. West smirks, putting on his gloves. "...and how did that work out for ya?" Pete joked

Puck was about to protest, but couldn't think of anything else to say, so he just slouched in his seat and stayed quiet, making Rachel and Dr. West laugh again.

"Alright, alright enough fun, time to get down to business." Dr. West said.

After asking a series of routine questions, Dr. West was ready to show Rachel her baby for the first time.

"Okay Rachel I'm going to need you to lie back and get comfortable. But not to comfortable. Don't want you messing around and fall asleep, now do we?" Dr. West joked. Rachel laid back on the chair and lifted her shirt slightly so Pete could apply the gel. "Okay now this might be a bit cold." Dr. West warned before rubbing gel on Rachel's stomach. Rachel hissed once the gel made contact with her flesh. "Sorry" Dr. West apologized.

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