Chapter 33

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30 minutes later, Quinn and Rachel were waiting in the waiting room the doctor's office.

"Berry" the receptionist calls. "The doctor will see you now."

Quinn and Rachel get up from their chairs and walk to the room.

Dr. West was there to greet them.

"Hey Rach, how's it going?" Dr. West greets cheerfully.

"Hi Uncle Petey" Rachel says before hugging him. He turns to Quinn.

"Quinn, great to see you again." Dr. West said

"Nice to see you too, Dr. West." Quinn said holding her hand out for him to shake it.

"Oh put that thing away and give me a hug." Pete told her before pulling her in for a big hug. "And it's Pete. None of that Dr. West stuff. To formal. Makes me feel all funny." Pete jokes scrunching his face up in false disgust, making Quinn and Rachel laugh. "Okay so let's get down to business." Pete said before putting his gloves on and gathering the equipment that he'd need. "Rach, as I'm sure you're sick of me saying cause we've done this a million times, but this is going to be a little chilly." Pete said before applying the gel onto Rachel's baby bump.

Even though Rachel was used to it, it was still cold and she still hissed and shivers a little when it was applied. Quinn saw this and grabs Rachel's hand as if telling her that she was there with her. Rachel felt Quinn's hand in hers and smiled up to her. Quinn returns the smile.

"Alrighty, here we go." Pete begins to test and check everything like he does in all of the appointments. "Okay let's see...we have a healthy heart..." he said when they heard he heart beat through the speakers. Both Quinn and Rachel's faces lit up when they hear it. "...limbs are developing perfectly, facial structure's good, and telling from your growing stomach, the baby is also growing perfectly fine. Now what else is there?" Pete thinks. "Oh right. So are you girl's ready to see what you're gonna be having?"

"Yes!" Quinn shouts. Pete and Rachel laugh at Quinn's eagerness and Quinn blushes.

"Yes, uncle Petey, we would love to see what we're having." Rachel chuckles.

"Always so formal." Pete teases. "Alrighty, well let's have a look see. Aanndd..." Pete looks at them a smile. "Congratulations, you're having a beautiful baby boy."

Quinn and Rachel beam at the news. They're having a boy. A beautiful boy. Quinn probably wont admit it, but she had tears falling from her eyes. Rachel was the same way, well except she would gladly admit she cried. She just found out that she was having boy. She was over the fucking moon.

"Wait, are we sure that it's actually a boy and not me?" Quinn asks

"Well Quinn we wont really know that until after the baby is born, but I am 99% sure that you guys are having a boy." Pete smiles at them.

"Cool...Awesome." Quinn smiles and looks at her son on the monitor. She looks back at Rachel who has her own tearful smile. Not knowing what possessed her to do it, Quinn leans down a presses a soft kiss on Rachel's forehead before turning back to the screen. Feeling Quinn's lips on her forehead, Rachel looked up at Quinn whose eyes were on the scene, confused. Did she really just kiss her on the forehead? Why did she do that? What did that mean? All of those questions were running through Rachel's head. Rachel was so confused now. More than ever actually.

After packing up and making future appointments, the girls headed to the car to go home. Well to Quinn's house, but it's the same thing I guess.

Quinn was really excited. She couldn't wait to show Rachel the surprise she had for her. As they walked out of the hospital, Quinn send a quick text to Santana.

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