Chapter 37

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"Quinn, you might not remember this, but...I wasn't the best dad to you. When you were younger." Russell said.

Quinn looked confused. "What? Dad what are you talking about? You like the best dad any kid could ask for." Quinn said

"That's very nice of you to say, Quinn, but I wasn't. At least not at first."

Quinn looks confused, but says nothing. Russell sighs.

" you remember what we told you? Why you...were the way you were?" Russell asks

"Uh yea, you said the doctor told you that you guys were having a boy, but later found out that it was just some messed up chromosomes, but dad I'm not seeing what that has to do with anything." Quinn said

"I was so happy that day." A pause. "I was gonna have a little boy. ..." Russell smiles and continues. "Now don't get me wrong. I love you and your sister with all my heart and I would never want to replace you guys. It's just at the time it felt great that I was going to have a little boy I could teach how to play ball and fix cars and all those other things a father does with his son."

"When I got home that day, I didn't know what to do with myself. I had so many ideas for your nursery. I even went on a shopping spree. Your mother looked at me like I was crazy. When I came home with all those bags, your sister actually ran away from me screaming, 'Mom, dad's gone shopping. It's the end of the world as we know!'" Russell laughed at the memory. Quinn laughs too. "And then you were born..." Russell let's out a happy sigh. "...that was one of the happiest days of my life." Quinn smiles. Russell's face quickly turned from happy to thoughtful. "Then a month later the doctor us that you were really a girl." A pause. "We asked the doctor that if you were girl then why did you have a penis. He, as you know, told us that it was mixed chromosomes that messed with your anatomy, therefore you have a penis."

Quinn nods her head as her father continues his story.

"I asked if there was anyway of getting rid of it." Quinn gasps at the confession. "Your mother absolutely furious with me, but I didn't seem to care at the moment. I just thought I wanted either a boy or a normal girl. Not one of my best moments, I know." A sigh. "The doctor told us there was nothing they could do. At least not until you're of age, and even then it could mess up your reproductive process and you wouldn't be a normal girl. Right of the back your mother said absolutely not and that you were her little girl and that she would love you no matter what. I was a little hesitant though."


Russell breathe deeply.

"Well as you know I came from a really religious family." Quinn rolls her eyes.

Yeah, she knows. There is obviously no love lost between them. Her grandparents on her dad's sides weren't the best of people. They were stuck up religious people. Live life by the bible or at least how they saw the bible. Looked down their nose at anyone who had problems. Thought they were better than everyone else.

They also weren't on the best of terms with their middle son and his family. Russell was known as the rogue child. Instead of doing what was excepted of him, he did what he wanted. First because he didn't follow in the foot steps of his father and join the family business. Instead he joined the army, and after became a construction worker. No matter how many times he's told his parent about to good salary he makes, they still think he wasted his talent. Second the woman he married was not of a strict religious family, so obviously she had no morals and last but for them definitely not least, not only was his youngest daughter born with a penis, but both daughters were also interested in women. That was not alright with them. Quinn hadn't heard from her grandparents since her mother's funeral.

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