Chapter 11

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It's been four days since Rachel talked to Quinn in the girl's restroom. Even though Rachel tried to reassure Quinn that she was fine, Rachel hasn't felt any better. If anything she feels worse. Rachel thought about what Quinn said about going to a doctor and decided to make an appointment.

Rachel waited in the waiting room of the hospital, nervously playing with the hem of her skirt as she waited in the waiting room for her name to be called.

"Miss Rachel Berry." the nurse called. Rachel was so nervous, that she nearly jumped out of her chair when she heard her name called.

She got up out from her seat and went into the room the nurse pointed her to. When Rachel got to the room the doctor was waiting for her in, she saw a familiar face.

"Well if it isn't Little Miss Streisand herself, Rachel Berry. How's it going kiddo?" Dr. West greets cheerfully.

Seeing the familiar face made her relaxed a little. "Hi Uncle Petey...I mean Dr. West." Rachel replied

"Oh enough of the formalities, it's Uncle Petey to you young lady. Come on now, you've known me since you were a little girl. You know the deal." Dr. West said with a smile that Rachel couldn't but return a shy smile of her own.

Peter West was one of the most well known doctors in Lima General Hospital. He met Rachel's father, Leroy Berry, in med school, where he went with both Leroy and Marcus Lopez, Santana's dad. They had been friends ever since. He was also Rachel's godfather.

"Now what brings you here little star." He's been calling her that since she sung her first solo and said she wanted to be a Broadway star like her idol Barbra Streisand. She was only two and a half at the time.

"Umm...I haven't exactly been feeling very well lately. I thought I just might have a little bug and that I would be fine in a few days, but a friend recommended that I come here just to be sure." Rachel explained.

"Okay. So what have you been feeling?" Dr. West asked.

"Um well I haven't been able to keep down any of my food. I've had to run to the restroom every 15 minutes. Oh and just about every thing makes me nauseous." Rachel told him.

"Uh huh and how long has all of this been going on?" Dr. West asked

"Umm's been happening for a while, but it just got worse a few weeks ago, so I would say a month and a couple weeks maybe." Rachel replied.

"Okay, have you felt any better lately or are you the same?"

"I' been feeling worse. Plus I've had to use the bathroom way more than usual." Rachel said

"Yes, Rachel you told me that..." Dr. West stated

"No, I mean I've had more than usual." Rachel blushes embarrassed.

"Oh, okay I get it. Any thing else?"

"Um well, also I've also been moody, according to my boyfriend, but I just told him that I was nervous about this coming sectionals." Rachel explained

"Okay...wait isn't that like two months away?"

"A month in a half, but you can never be over prepared." Rachel said proudly

"Okay. Um Rachel, when was the last time you had your period?" Dr. West asked

Surprising to Rachel, she actually had to think about that question. When was her last period? She could've swore it had just happened last week, but she wasn't so sure. "I...I don't remember." Rachel said quietly, so quiet that if Dr. West wasn't sitting right next to her, he probably wouldn't have heard her.

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