Chapter 49

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A week later, everyone was practicing in booty camp, but it wasn't going so well. For the most part it was okay. Mike, Brittany and Quinn were trying to help everyone get the choreography down. Everyone seemed to get it, well maybe not everyone. Finn was having a little trouble, per usual. Quinn was willing to put their differences aside, to help him out. They really needed to win Sectionals. Though Finn wasn't being so easy.

"Man, this is stupid!" Finn shouts.

"It wouldn't be stupid if you would just try." Quinn snaps back

"And why should I listen to you?" Finn sneers

"Because as hard as it is to get this through your thick head, I'm actually trying to help you."

Finn and Quinn were having a stare down.

"You guys, can we please just focus on the routine?" Rachel pleads. It seemed that Rachel was the only one who could calm these two. They continue their stare down.

"Whatever" Finn says backing up and begins to walk away.

"Look do you want to win or not?" Quinn says making him stop in his tracks. "If you don't want me to help you then fine. Britt or Mike will do it. Just get your big thick head out of your ass and try!"

Everyone was stunned by the outburst. Finn was the first to snap out of it.

"Whatever." he gets back into his position.

Quinn rolls her eyes and lets Mike take over her position in front of Finn.

"Alright guys we're gonna run over the dance again. We'll go over it three more times, then Britt, Mike and I will go around. If we tap you on the shoulder you can sit. If not you need to keep working, and not stop till we do. Sound fair?" Quinn instructs. Everyone nods and Rachel thought it was so hot how Quinn took control. "Great, and I have just the song to go with it."

Suddenly music starts playing, and Quinn, Brittany and Mike take their position in the front.


Lets get down to business
To defeat the huns

Everyone joins in the dance.

Did they send me daughter
When I asked for sons?
You're the saddest bunch
I ever met
But you can bet
Before we're through
Mister, I'll make a man
Out of you.

The three began to make their rounds.

Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your center
You are serve to win
You're are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale
Pathetic lot (Quinn's standing in front of Finn)
And you haven't got a clue
Some how I'll make a man
Out of you


I'm never gonna catch my breath


Say goodbye to who knew me


Boy was I fooled in school for cutting gym


This girl's got 'em scared to death


Hope she doesn't see right though me


Now I really wish that I knew how to swim.

They start to pick out people. Starting with Puck and Santana. Quinn high fived Puck, while Brittany kissed Santana on the lips.

(Quinn, All)

Be a man

We must be swift as
The coursing river

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