Chapter 24

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To say that Rachel was shocked that Finn not only didn't break up with her, but forgave her for cheating and also offered to help her, was on understatement. She couldn't believe her luck. Finn may not have been the best in the boyfriend department and he was pretty clueless in most other areas, but over the next couple of days, with a little help from Rachel...and sometimes Brittany, no matter how much she didn't want to, he was a pretty big help. Well sort of. He even started looking for a job. He was failing miserably, but he was still trying and I guess that was good enough for Rachel. So that had to count for something, right?

Rachel hasn't talked to Quinn since the news about her pregnancy got out, and she thought that that was for the best right now. She didn't know how to tell her about Finn, or about the fact that she didn't tell Finn about her. I mean how do you tell somebody that someone else was claiming their unborn child because everyone else thought it was his. Plus she still hasn't worked up the nerve to tell Finn that it was actually Quinn who impregnated her. It hurt that she lied to Finn when he asked if she remembered who she slept with. And it just hurt even more after he offered to help and went through with his promise. She was so screwed.

It was Friday afternoon, glee had just let out. All of the auditions were done and after much deliberating, Rachel would be singing the solo at sectionals. As if it would be any other way.

After glee, everyone headed to their separate destinations. Quinn, Puck, Finn, and Mike headed to basketball practice. Brittany and Santana headed to Cheerios practice, and everyone else headed home. Rachel had decided to stay with Finn and watch him practice (watch Quinn run circles around him in practice), but after an hour she got bored and headed to the choir room to run scales and practice her solo for sectionals.

After practice was over, Finn text Rachel informing her that practice was over and after he took a shower he would be ready to take her home, so Rachel decided to wait for him outside by his car.

As Rachel made her way to Finn's car, she saw Quinn unloading some kind of equipment from the trunk of her car. Rachel was hoping she could get to Finn's car without Quinn noticing her, but unfortunately for her, luck was not on her side. Quinn must have heard foot steps, cause she turned and saw Rachel standing a few feet from her.

"Hey" Quinn greeted.

"Hey" Rachel said back. "What are you doing here?"

"Practice." Quinn said as if it were obvious.

"Right, sorry. I meant how are you are out so quickly. Practice let out 5 minutes ago." Rachel said.

"Well one of the benefits of being the only girl on the team is no waiting lines in the girl's locker room." Quinn smiles. "Plus I left a little early. Had to take this stuff out before Puck got out."

"What is that anyway?" Rachel asked.

"Oh uh well until I can get a real job, Puck's letting me help him with his pool cleaning business. Figgins' paying us 30 bucks each to clean the school's pool for the swim team."


"Yea I know, I didn't even know we had a swim team here."

"No I meant why would you guys be cleaning pools now? It's December. Who uses their pool now?" Rachel asked.

Quinn thought about the question. "You know what, I have absolutely no idea." Quinn said before going back to taking the things out of her car.

"Why are you trying to find a job anyway?" Rachel asked.

Quinn stopped what she was doing and turned to Rachel with a 'You know why' expression.

"Quinn I told you..." Rachel started.

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