Chapter 22

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After Rachel left Brittany with Artie, Rachel headed to the auditorium to run some scales. Sectionals were a week away and she needed to be her best for her solo. She thought that even though she was pregnant and wasn't often feeling well, that didn't mean she could slack off and not practice. Practice makes perfect not matter what condition you're in. She had to be her best so they could win. Teehee that rhymed.

On her way to the auditorium, Rachel was stopped by someone.

"H-hi Rachel." the person said.

Rachel turned to face the person.

"Oh hello Jacob." Rachel said politely. "What can I do for you?"

"Well I was wondering...if...perhaps you go out with me." Jacob stuttered.

"Oh. Well Jacob, while I think you're a very...sweet guy and all, I am in committed relationship; therefore no I can not go out with you." Rachel answered.

"Please." Jacob begged.

"I'm sorry Jacob, but no." Rachel said final then walks away.

"Are you that's a wise decision?" Jacob calls out, making Rachel stop.

"What do you mean?" Rachel turns around.

"I think you should reconsider my offer." Jacob walks up to her.

"As I've said Jacob, I am in a committed relationship, so my answer is still no." Rachel walks away again. But Jacob wasn't giving up so easily, and chased after her.

"You know what a secret is?" Jacob asked walking behind Rachel. "It means hidden knowledge. Something that is known only to one or a few people. And as long as that secret is intact then they pose as no threat, but if that secret gets into the wrong hands. Consequences could come in which the owner of said secrets would be bound to reveal that secret and suffer any other consequence for the possible safety of others and themselves." Jacob explained.

"What is your point, Jacob? Cause as you can see I am very busy." Rachel said slightly annoyed.

"I just mean..." he trailed off before a evil smirk come on to his face. "...that you should really reconsider my offer. Never know what secrets I might know." A pause. "Think bout it." With that, he walked away leaving Rachel very about what just transpired.

'What the heck was that?' Rachel thought.

"Hey" a voice came from behind Rachel.

"Oh hey Finn." Rachel turned to her boyfriend.

"What was that?" Finn asked.



"Oh that. Honestly, I have no idea. Just Jacob being Jacob, I guess." A pause. "He asked me on a date. Again." Rachel said.

"Jewfro is a creep." Finn said disgusted.

"Now Finn that's no way to talk about a fellow student. Even though it is sadly true." Rachel said.

"Yea, whatever, he's still a creep." Finn said before leaning down and placing a kiss on Rachel's lips. "Hey," he smiles

"Hi" Rachel smiles back.

"Walk you to class?" he asked.

"Sure. Thank you." Rachel replied with a smile. Finn takes Rachel's hand and walks her to class. Once they came to her class, Finn kissed her on the cheek and left for his own class. Rachel sat in her original seat which was next to Quinn.

"Hey Rachel." Quinn greeted. Apparently Rachel wasn't expecting that, and she almost jumped out of her seat.

"Oh my god." Rachel shrieks.

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