Chapter 27

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June 2005

I could almost see my reflection on the tiles. Everything was pristine. Everything was so white.  The walls, the uniforms, the tiles, the chairs. Everything was white and clean. It reeked of disinfectant. I never liked hospitals but then, who did? I buried my face in the warm, comforting material of Alex’s hoodie. Adults doing crosswords and reading books, little children playing Gameboys and colouring in books looked just as dull as the rooms. Alex’s arms tightened around me but he was careful not to hurt my broken arm. Endless rows of sick, injured, bored people sat on both sides of us. Alex bent his head and kissed my hair.
“Are you okay baby?” he whispered. I looked up to see his face and nodded.
“I guess as okay as you can be after being in a car crash with your friend and his girlfriend.” I shrugged making him laugh gently to himself.
“Stupid question, sorry. But hey, only a ‘friend’? I thought I deserved at least a ‘best friend’ honour?” he mocked. I rolled my eyes. He moved his face closer to mine and pressed his forehead against mine. His lips gently brushed against mine making my cheeks glow scarlet. It had felt like so long since I’d felt something between us like this. I remembered a time when we had no connection at all - when we’d kiss, I felt as if we’d both rather be anywhere else. He pressed his lips against mine again this time, waiting for me to respond. As I was cradled in his arms I felt as if I had no other choice. I felt my lips move with his as he kissed me harder, pulling me onto his lap now. He moaned deep in his throat even though I’d tried to restrain any sign of enjoyment. This was wrong. I started to pull away as he reluctantly left my lips with a series of soft kisses. His eyes were full of excitement and adrenaline but I couldn’t help but see the guilt and anxiety hiding behind it. His warm breath softly brushed my face, his forehead pressed against mine. Someone was clearly annoyed by our behaviour coughed interrupting us. Jack stood on front of us. I quickly stood up and Jack ran towards me wrapping his arms around me and lifting me into the air.
“I am never letting you drive ever again!” he whispered. I rolled my eyes because I knew I was to take that seriously. I whimpered a small bit because he was making my arm uncomfortable. “Oh shit Izzy! Is it broken? How long is the cast on for? Can I sign it?” his eyes suddenly lit up.
“Dude, calm it.” Alex said standing up and pulling me out of Jack’s hold into his own. “She’s been through a lot tonight. She needs rest.”
“Hah! I can see she’s been through something anyway! So what are you two back together?”
“No.” we both replied simultaneously making us giggle. I could see Jack was getting pissed off.
“I don’t even know what to think of this.” He sighed. Joyce finished whatever paperwork she was filling out before she approached us.
“Sweetheart, are you okay? Oh dear! You’re arm!” Joyce hugged me gently, much more careful than Jack. Just as I was about to reply I was interrupted by nurse.
“Excuse me? Alex and Isabel? Lisa is after waking up, can you come with me?” she asked with a fake smile. I always felt sorry for nurses, they had to put up with patients complaining every day and the white walls and the clean smell. I could never be a nurse. She led us toward the room Lisa had been kept in after she’d been knocked unconscious after the “accident”. I’d decided since she’d gotten the worst outcome of it all that I’d keep what happened a secret. Plus she’d had a lot of alcohol and it was my wrongdoing in the first place so I tried to keep the truth hidden as long as she did.
“I love you.” Alex leaned in and kissed my cheek before letting go of my hand and walking into the room before me.

The moment I stepped foot into the room, horrific shrieks swarmed the air. Lisa was wailing, tears streaked her face and her mouth widened the more she screeched.
“That’s her! She wanted to kill me! That’s her Isabel Miller or Barakat or Baker or whatever the fuck it is, she has no real family anyway so it doesn’t fucking matter. She’s the one who attempted to murder me!” she shrieked. Everyone in the room besides the frantic Lisa stood still, shocked. Alex’s jaw was almost touching the floor. One nurse was staring directly at Lisa, another directly at me. The doctor suddenly started scribbling down notes. Alex’s head flickered from one to the other like he was watching a game of tennis.
“Lisa, sweetheart it was a car accident. That was established already.” The doctor tried to soothe the hyperventilating girl. So this is what she was doing? I was being portrayed as the one trying to kill us all. Why couldn’t she have just left it as “it was an accident”? It was her plan the whole time to blame me. I should’ve expected it from the second her hand touched the wheel.
“Her! She said she wanted me to die because I am the reason her and Lexy aren’t together. She said once I was gone that she could have him all to herself.” Tears streaked her face. Fuck she was a good actress. She actually looked panicked but that may have been because she was afraid of getting caught out. Her tearful blue eyes set on Alex. They looked like something on puppy. Even though her blonde hair was all messed up and she had stitches in her forehead; she still looked so pretty and flawless. No wonder Alex chose her over me. She was so pretty and small and skinny. I caught a glimpse of myself in the shiny white tiles.
“Excuse me?” I suddenly interrupted my own thoughts. “I have never said those fucking words in my life you little bi-” I exploded storming toward the bed. Alex lightly caught my wrist and attempted to restrain me.
“Izzy, she hit her head pretty hard; her mind is all foggy and her mind is playing tricks on her. Calm down sweetie.” He pulled me back toward him, draping his arm loosely around me should but keeping me cuddled into his side.
“Exactly.” The doctor added.
 I knew well that she knew exactly what she was dong. She was an evil bitch who never expected me to come back into the picture. A small smirk played on my lips.
“See! See! See!” she shrieked again. “She fucking meant it! She’s smirking! I‘m not stupid.” She cried. More tears fell from her eyes. I was starting to wonder did she actually believe I tried to kill her. Both nurses and the doctor turned to face Alex and I. I kept my eyes on Lisa. Her eyes were filled with fury. They almost looked threatening. She shook her head giving me the finger. I laughed bringing my attention back to the doctor who was speaking to us. He stared down at me disapprovingly.
“Sorry.” I muttered.
“That’s okay. I can see you’ve had a rough night.” He smiled sympathetically. “Now, I’m not trying to get your little friend in trouble here-” he lowered his voice making me scoff at calling Lisa my ‘friend’. Alex frowned at me. “But do you know if she had consumed any alcohol or drugs before the accident?” he continued.
“Um, yeah she had. Someone gave it to her at a party we were at. There was only about three of them who had any before Jack confiscated it.” Alex shrugged. I knew he was lying but wasn’t going to say that.
“Thank you, that will help us in more tests.” He nodded. “How’s the head?” he asked referring to the stitches he’d gotten in his forehead he’d gotten earlier.
“I’ll be okay.” He smiled weakly. “Any chance you have the time?”
“Yeah it’s coming up to four a.m. It’s been a long night, maybe you should go home.” Alex nodded in agreement.
“Shit, I’m flying out to the UK later on. We better go. Bye Lisa.” He hesitated but then walked over and said goodbye to her. I couldn’t look at him kiss her. I looked back at the white glittering tiles. He whispered something to her and said goodbye again. He walked back over took my hand and led me out of the room.

He briskly walked to the end of the corridor dragging me behind him. He came to sudden stop and hugged me. He didn’t say anything. He just held me in his arms. It was so quiet. My arm awkwardly hung at my side. I’d have to get used to the damn thing. My stomach growled breaking the silence.
“Come on, we never did get that pizza. How about some food?” he laughed.
We sat at a small round table for two with our cookies and coffee. My mind wandered to the day I’d just had. I couldn’t even get it straight in my head.
First Alex kissed me.
Then he told me he was moving to the UK next year.
Over in the Miller’s I found out my old foster father wasn’t coping well with his wife’s death.
Then I got in the car with my ex-boyfriend and his current girlfriend.
The psychopath then crashed the car with us all in it.
And the next day Alex was still leaving.
What was my life even turning into?
“Izzy?” Alex called interrupting my train of thought.
“Are you okay?” he looked concerned.
“Yeah, I mean I guess so. Why? Are you okay Lexy?” I mocked giggling.
“I don’t know. Things just haven’t gone your way lately. Knowing you for years now, I know how you used to be. Iz, you’re after becoming so thin. I know there’s more scars – I could feel them every time I hugged you. Listen Izzy, if you did try to crash that car, I think you may need help baby. I love you and I think it’d be-”
“Wait, you actually believed that whore? You think I wanted to kill her because I wanted to be with you? You think that little of me?”
“No, Isabel, listen! I meant if you did! You’ve been through a lot sweetie and I wasn’t helping really was I?”
“Alex, you really think not only did I try kill myself but you and your girlfriend too?”
“Ex-girlfriend.” He muttered.
“What?” I asked, purely shocked.
“Yeah, I broke up with her before the party. I realized I have all the time in England to be depressed about not having you, why make it last longer than it should? When I come back after my “holiday” I want you and me to spend what time we have left together.” He held my hand across the small metal table.
“Let me get this straight; you broke up with your girlfriend so you could be with me after avoiding and dumping me and you think I’m going to just run back to you?” I said. I could see his whole face crash on front of me. I knew I was being harsh but the guy had just accused me of attempted murder.
“Iz come on don’t be like this!”
“I fucking will! Gaskarth I hope you have a fucking fabulous time in the UK. Don’t even bother coming back at all.” I said. I kept a straight face until I ran to the end of the corridor. I felt tears wash over my face. I hit someone and collapsed into their arms not caring who it was. I cried into their chest as they soothed me, asking me who I was and where my parents were.
“She’s mine.”  I heard a familiar voice. “Come Iz, let’s take you home.”

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